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24 Mar 2022 10:44 AM
I ordered Fibre and was due to get it fitted on the first of March but this was put back by a couple of weeks because openreach didnt know you needed a crane to reach to reach the top of a pole. After taking time off for the second fitting (told by sky you have to be in or they wouldn't book it) they didnt turn up (but it's only a provisional booking) so rebooked now and fitted yippee so why this post. They don't know where they've fitted it and cant switch it on. Sky have told me it's nothing to worry about as I still have my old broadband (like buying a new car and being told your not getting it you still have your old one) but give them another five working days and they'll and they'll be able to give me an update.
This post as you can probably tell is out of frustration and hope sky/openreach read it and here's an idea follow the cable you fitted back to the pole you climbed it might just be there.
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24 Mar 2022 12:34 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
All down to Openreach (or their subcontractors), unfortunately: ISPs have to use them exclusively for such infrastructure work.
25 Mar 2022 01:30 PM
I understand they are using openreach but when your offering a service to your customer it must be down to Sky to ensure this is being provided they take your money every month and you have to be in to get it fitted then it turns outthey offered a service that they can't provide and looking at other post's this is a common problem. It's now been another 5 working days yet nothing. If they are so busy they cant switch on a button (I'm sure it's probably more complicated than that ) then Sky have to stop taking orders until they catch up, and not just sit there saying sorry it has nothing to do with us.
25 Mar 2022 02:02 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@lucifer6666 wrote:
Sky have to stop taking orders until they catch up
I'd suggest it's very unlikely any ISP would do that. What they should do is advise subscribers that Openreach lead times are poor and appear to be getting worse.
25 Mar 2022 02:39 PM
No they should not offer a service they can't provide. If you ask someone to be in, for a lot of working people it means time off work then to be told sorry they were too busy take some more time off and we'll try again then sorry too busy again isn't good customer service the customer dosn't use pay or employ openreach it pays SKY so sorry but the buck stops with them. Just saying our provider is overworked dosn't wash I'd advise anyone to look at using BT as they own Openreach and would at least have a say in what they do.
25 Mar 2022 02:45 PM - last edited: 25 Mar 2022 03:20 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@lucifer6666 wrote:
I'd advise anyone to look at using BT as they own Openreach and would at least have a say in what they do.
No, BT absolutely don't 'have a say in what they do': Ofcom keeps a specialist unit dedicated to making sure they can't gain competitive advantage that way from the legacy of privatisation. This is aparently part of the reason communication between Openreach and ISPs is 'equally ' bad, because it has to follow Ofcom-authorised channels.
Everybody must respect that Openreach must listen to and treat all its CP customers equally. Openreach must do what it thinks is in the best interests of all of its UK customers. It must not act in ways that favour other parts of BT over other CPs. It must do so while working within the BT Group Strategic Framework and recognising that BT Group, as its sole shareholder, needs to retain economic control. ('CP' is 'Communications Provider', ie an ISP/telco)
27 Mar 2022 12:12 PM
Now everthing is done, so does it work no. Openreach forgot to send an activation code and because SKY don't take ownership of problems they waited till after Openreach had gone home then asked for it. So now it'll be another week when there probably be snow on the line or some other excuse they can find.
28 Mar 2022 04:43 PM
You couldn't make it up just been called by SKY they will call me in a weeks time with an update.
01 Apr 2022 12:56 PM
Sky have switched on my Fiber. NO april fool.Just a word of warning to anyone who orders it ,the first date they give you means nothing this is a we'll sell you it look how quick we can fit it date, when you phone about it as I've been told by at least 5 different people now this date is provisional and we told you so in the E-mail this date means nothing so why are you complaining we'll fit it some time in the future so be ware it's not going to be as quick as you expect. hopfully by Christmas would be nice but not holding out much hope have given up now, will wait for my weekly give us another 5 working days E-mail.
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