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12 May 2022 08:21 AM
Hi, I've noticed that sky is duplicating the recording when I have a series link. It'll record one at 2am and then later that day it record the same show at 8pm. When I try a remove the 2am recording I can't series link the 8pm showing only record once and if I leave the 2am recording it automatically records the 8pm showing again. I've had the on sky Atlantic and sky max channels. Any ideas how to correct this?
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12 May 2022 08:36 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@Dmes wrote:
Hi, I've noticed that sky is duplicating the recording when I have a series link. It'll record one at 2am and then later that day it record the same show at 8pm. When I try a remove the 2am recording I can't series link the 8pm showing only record once and if I leave the 2am recording it automatically records the 8pm showing again. I've had the on sky Atlantic and sky max channels. Any ideas how to correct this?
@Dmes as the channel broadcasters are responsible for the metadata for the series links then as the channels are Sky you would be best to contact viewers relations at
12 May 2022 12:43 PM - last edited: 12 May 2022 12:45 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@Dmes wrote:
Hi, I've noticed that sky is duplicating the recording when I have a series link. It'll record one at 2am and then later that day it record the same show at 8pm. When I try a remove the 2am recording I can't series link the 8pm showing only record once and if I leave the 2am recording it automatically records the 8pm showing again. I've had the on sky Atlantic and sky max channels. Any ideas how to correct this?
You are right that some shows on SKy Atlantic & elsewhere seem to do this.
It seemed to start with some shows that began being aired 'in synch' with US TV showings on the likes of Games of Thrones and Billions a while ago now and the seasons of Billions since have continued this
It seems now to be happening more
I have never bothered to contact Viewer relations (as mentioned by @Laing1 ) although I guess if I did, it would add to the numbers being noted as I guess if they only get a handful of reports they may not change it
Personally I just accept it and delete the later show after watching the recording from the early morning.
As you say, do be careful not to upset the series link by deleteing too early
12 May 2022 10:23 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreI've contacted Viewer Relations several times about this issue and they just don't seem to comprehend that it's an issue at their end.
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