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03 Oct 2020 04:31 PM
I really miss this feature because I depended on it. I'm a bit disappointed that it's not available on sky q. I do wish that I had known this before I upgraded.
05 Oct 2020 07:13 PM
I've just got Sky Q and I'm annoyed that I can't set a reminder but have to record instead. I made a lot of use of the reminder feature on Sky +. As so many features can be switched on or off in Settings why can't the consumer be able to choose this feature, then I'd you have a large viewing group you could disable it. I love the way we're told Sky's research shows people "prefer" to record rather than remind. I've never been asked by any television company what my preferences are. I think the real reason is they can check what people like to view based on their recordings, another case of Big Brother.
05 Oct 2020 07:24 PM
Having read all the hundreds of comments on this subject does anyone think the powers that be ever read them or are we just talking to ourselves?
Come on Sky, let's have a response or better still a change of heart and bring reminder back
06 Oct 2020 04:18 PM
I don't understand how Sky can think that Record is better than a reminder. They serve very different functions, Like too many things these days, 'improvements' are anything but.
What use is Record when all I want is to be reminded when a program I want to watch starts at 10pm, but I want to watch something on another channel until it starts?
We watch many programmes that we aren't bothered about missing, but watch when we're in. I don't want to record live sport, but I want to know when the programme starts.
I watch Match of the Day every week, but I don't want to record it. I just want to be reminded that it's about to start so I can switch channel.
Utter lunacy, but what do we expect from Sky? They've never exactly been bothered about looking after customers needs in the past, so why change the habits of a lifetime now, eh?
06 Oct 2020 06:45 PM
One argument against the reminder appears to be because Sky Q allows multiple boxes and viewers, so it would (apparently) be too complex to progr am. The excuse is that the software wouldn't know who set it or which player it was meant for. Surely, it can't be that difficult to broadcast the reminder to all devices and whoever set it can respond, while everyone else would ignore it. Networks have been workling like this for decades, so it's hardly new.
07 Oct 2020 09:27 PM
Hello All Sky will not add the reminder button to Sky Q because it does not fit in with there plans
That's why they never comment on all these posts
They only ever add or remove what suits them I have been with them for over 20 years I think
Sky Q is Great although it could be improved but they will only add what they want the idea that
This site has any influence on the decisions are I am afraid sadly wrong we are only the customers
They have so many subscribers now that they can afford to lose a few knowing full well they will be
Replaced very soon by new one's .
So you stay or go at your choice
Just a Thought .............🎈
08 Oct 2020 11:46 AM
Why has the "reminder" function been removed with SkyQ? It was a useful feature to watch a live programme without the need to record it. There's nothing like watching a live football match etc. Now I have to put a reminder on my phone to do this. A retro step by Sky. I've read Sky's research shows people record but really? Why can't you have both?
08 Oct 2020 01:23 PM
We used the Reminder function all the time with Sky+. We don't want to record the programs, we watch to watch them live and set a reminder in order to do so. Surely with so many comments asking Sky to bring this function back, they should listen to their customers?!
08 Oct 2020 03:10 PM
"Seems I've hit a snag with my CICAS/CEDR claim. It's gonna cost me to continue. And being made redundant puts that to pay. I can't continue without the funds to complete the case. Sorry all. "
Sorry to that @HLD1 and thanks for all that you have done!
08 Oct 2020 04:50 PM
Was shocked when I found out it didn't have reminder function. We dont want to record everything, sometimes it could be live events that we dont want to miss. I probably wouldn't have switched to Sky Q if I knew there wasn't a reminder feature. PLEASE BRING IT BACK ;(
10 Oct 2020 09:42 AM
Used to plan my viewing on the reminders. Dissapoited!
10 Oct 2020 09:55 AM
Please please please bring back the remind function....I missed the live football last last week ...I normally would set the reminder for it I watch something till it started ....if i got stuck into the other prog I would press the record button so i could watch the end later and watch the LIVE prog ....I cannot understand the logic of removing that function ....also 2 other things that damb status bar when you pause it takes up the bottom off the screen so any detail is obscured....will go back to my old sky + at first chance i get
10 Oct 2020 12:45 PM
Bring it back please!
12 Oct 2020 08:54 PM
Like many, upgraded to Sky Q today and found we have been downgraded on 'reminder' functionality.
Why take away one of the most useful functions?
Sky, please listen to loyal customer feedback and reinstate the facility ASAP
Thank you
13 Oct 2020 06:57 PM
I would like to have reminder on sky q
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