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12 May 2021 09:53 PM - last edited: 12 May 2021 09:55 PM
@Stoatgobler "sky by their silence show it’s not going to be fixed until as I and many others believe the next box comes out."
that's quite a big leap. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but there's simply nothing to suggest that's the case.
There's enough people jumping up and down about this now, sky have acknowledged the issue and have suggested Q160 will likely include new audio drivers that will hopefully address the issue.
This is a customer forum and they're not obliged to post on the forum and keep people up to date, but they have, on occasion given brief updates.
My pint is half full, I guess yours is half empty, let's wait for Q160....
12 May 2021 10:04 PM
feel free to vote, let's see if we can get some traction
12 May 2021 10:10 PM
Everyone's aware of it you'd have to be on the Mars mission not to be aware of it. No customer champion is going to take it up until it can be fixed and they can be seen to be the consumer champion. It's the same as the Virgin Superhub (and many others) problem it's either deep software issue or like the former a chip / hardware issue that is near impossible to identify and or fix due the multitude of variations in each customer setup making fault finding a nightmare.
All any of us customers can do is wait and ensure sky is aware that we are very unhappy and aren't accepting the current setup as a suitable service. The fact sky are sending out emails to customers nearing the end of a contract telling them their existing deals no matter how good they are being extended is a sure signal they're aware and want to keep people from leaving and or calling up to getting an even better please keep with us deal.
Fingers cross the Q160 update that were told is on the way solves a lot of the issues Sky+ To SkyQ customers are not happy with and more importantly the sound drop outs that affect v2 & V3 Q boxes and attached minis.
12 May 2021 10:31 PM
@Stuvennn I respect your opinion, you have made some really good points on this thread previously concerning this issue.
Mate, i really wish I had your patience,
i just think sky are now playing for time till the new box is ready, I don’t think Q160 will completely solve this sound issue leaving many subscribers frustrated at the thought of paying top dollar for an inadequate service.
i really hope sky get their act together but I’m not holding my breath
13 May 2021 12:15 AM
@Rhonny You’re not very nice are you!
why was my previous response to this message deleted?
13 May 2021 12:32 AM
@Rhonny i’m really sorry if my posts have previously offended you, that was not my intention.
Rhonny from you’re previous posts you’re a very clever bloke, more so than me, let’s not turn on each other in our frustration over this issue
13 May 2021 06:21 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreYour posts don't offend me, but it's the incessant insistence and pre-emption that nothing is going to change from the next software update that is tiring. I no longer suffer these drop outs since I changed my TV, but I know they are an utter pain that Sky has been unforgiveably slow to deal with, so I get the frustration. But getting yourself tied up in knots with conspiracies about some unseen fourth box, and dismissing any chance of Q160 working, doesn't help anybody and will only multiply others' feelings of frustration about their own sound issues.
But I'll just read your posts and not engage, which I think is best all round!
13 May 2021 07:01 AM
@Rhonny that’s really interesting that changing your tv stopped the sound dropouts, I wander if your setup and configuration might help others on this thread.
13 May 2021 12:40 PM
Intrigued by your comment I have spent the best part of this morning taking three TVs around the house in to the living room to test this theory.
Whilst I cant say its a fix it did throw up a surprise result. The three moved TVs are LG (one 2019 and two 2020 models) and no sound drops were experienced on the 2019 model on Netflix or a downloaded version of Intelligence
Yet our main Samsung tv (also 2020) and the 2020 LGs had sound drop outs within seconds.
I swapped around the HDMI cables just in case and made no difference.
13 May 2021 12:50 PM
Check the audio settings on the set LGs have a lot of audio settings and I personally have though for a long time it's a handshake issue or a smart audio clash on either the tv and or the q box. I have an LG and was doing much better until recently and the only thing of note I did different was an enable an external surround sound via the TV for a couple of movies and dropouts have been much more noticeable since.
13 May 2021 01:04 PM
@Pogit @Ben1980 The TV doesn't necessarily have anything to do with this. Just remember that many of us with drop-outs connect the Q box to the TV via an AV amplifier/receiver either via HDMI or optical. Drop-outs occur under both these circumstances, before any TV is involved, so if it's caused by an incompatibility or handshake issue then it's with components that appear both in TV's and amplifiers.
13 May 2021 01:58 PM
I too have all the issues mentioned with sound dropping out, this started when I received the new HDR Sky Q box after the hard drive failed on the old box.
I have not read all the pages of this thread but people I work with have the new Sky Q HDR box and the new Router, not the old version I have and many others have, they have no sound drop outs at all.
This would suggest customers with the new model Router and the new Sky Q HDR box, don't have sound drop outs.
I am not sure how true this is but thought I would air my thoughts....
Sky customer Services sending out Engineers to fix a problem that can't be fixed is shocking......
13 May 2021 02:05 PM
@Moomoo09 I have the Sky Q HDR box and Sky's latest SR203 router and do experience the sound drops, although not as badly as many on here report.
Also, there are probably many more here reporting the problem who are with numerous other ISPs. The router being used doesn't appear to be a factor, IMO.
13 May 2021 02:16 PM
I have the new router and I get sound dropouts, only started when I got the new v3 box
13 May 2021 02:33 PM
@fizzdisco @Oh I agree thought it's interesting mine recently got more intense after I watche a few movies with with aourroond via a optical surround system. I think it's more than one issue a combination of network overload and handshakes and other issues.... at its worst I can barley get through a sentence without multiple dropouts at best it's can go days with none, with no obvious reason.
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