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20 Jun 2021 08:17 PM
i hear you.
BUT hey, careful with your comparison to Nintendo!! Nintendo is stupidly, incredibly successful and rich right now!! Look it up and see for yourself. 4 of the top selling consoles of all time are Nintendo and "Switch" sales are off the scale.
Nintendo is the silent assassin. It's the stealth wealth creator. And it's poised for even bigger things in the next 18 months (watch out for the upcoming Metroid release).
Anyway, where were we?.... Oh yes, audio dropouts.....
20 Jun 2021 08:21 PM
@Pogit completely agree. The lady did trip herself up a little on the second call - she said she couldn't compensate me and Sky would have to issue a directive to compensate all affected customers as there's a lot. Funny she claims to have never heard of the problem 30 minutes before.
"Sorry, we've messed up and the next update on x date will resolve the problem" would have appeased me. Seemingly too much for Sky.
20 Jun 2021 08:45 PM
Exactly my point a powerful company that only sells the thing you need to enjoy mostly someonelse content a name that bro gs in fanboys to relive their youth who only get dissapointed as the at best rehashed product is something they already own many times over, that when compared with the rest is just poor and that's coming from a Nintendo fanboy. Hashtag Saga Sucks!
Anyway enough from me for now, except to say sky get pushing.
20 Jun 2021 09:02 PM
fair points.
but, come on, the thought of the next Metroid release must be already causing sleepless nights in anticipation.
I've got Q160 (luckily)
Now I want Metroid. My life suddenly feels incomplete again!!!
20 Jun 2021 10:11 PM
couldn't agree more frankly... or could I agree more ... mmmi think I could go further at least
you notice the efforts gone into keeping this quiet ? Threads locked. Fan boys trained to shout down complainers and rewarded with special areas for the treasured few for "inside" info and trials of new products for their efforts for towing the party line?
Csr's following a pre drawn template of agreed answers of denial and false ignorance littered with the same " mines ok " answers you see here, or " I don't have that problem on my system" or I'm not aware of that issue....? All with a total lack of any sort of interest in fixing the problem ? One would expect some interest in reporting or escalation of a " new unheard of issue" would you not?
but no, not interested. "Mines ok therefore your must be too" replies from sky csr's stinks to high heaven of cover up. Give them an issue they have an approved answer for and they can proceed to help but there not many useful answers other than reset the box or read out certain settings. Much as on here. But you can tell the known denied issues by the response you get. Mine is ok. Followed by silence. You can't be serious 😆 had this a few times calling sky and online, and if the fan boys in disguise sky employees on various forums. No I'm not a sky employee, then they come out with inside info only a sky person could know.
what an organisation. But surely an organisation that would be FAR better deployed in sorting things in an honest and upfront way? I mean it's almost like they won an award for this fault ridden box of spanners and don't want the mask to slip
interesting to see if I get the slap on the wrist from admin again for campaigning or upsetting other members with honest replies for having an optinion on a forum, when the post is buried at the bavk of a 200 plus page thread on the exact same topic of which one is shouted down for mentioning. That of SKYs campaign of promotion of an unfit product.
and apparently according to others we are supposed to be happy we have a fix. Happy you say.... I think that happiness is totally lost in the rigmarole in raising the issue mentioned above, the cost of PAYING for the privalidge of subscribing to a fault ridden product , and the wall of shouting down and denial on here to name just a few.
this issue should NEVER have existed in the first place, we've had to fight from Pilar to post to get ANYTHING done about it.... hours wasted on the phone and on line, numerous rebuffed posts on here. Hundreds of programmes grabled or audibly disturbed in some way... and we are supposed be "pleased there is a fix"
20 Jun 2021 10:19 PM
@rscott wrote:
@Pogit wrote:So it's been confirmed that the audio dropouts are specific to the hardware of the V3 and could possibly be seen on v2s. I've not seen this confirmed myself and find it hard to believe two different issues caused the same types of issues on two/three variants of UHD boxes and connected minis though it's possible.
What your saying @rscott suggests that the V3 issues atleast were due to incompetence in firmware coding and testing then and many subscribers are due a refund of their subs because the boxes were not fit for purpose in the pre Q160 form? So I would definitely like to see you source so I can use it in a claim for 18 months of subs back please.
There's no public source for any of those statements, it's simply information received elsewhere from Sky. There were multiple reasons found for the audio issues, some V3 specific, some common to all versions.
I also read reports on other sites suggesting the root cause may be the drivers for the chipset used in the V3 and the delay has been down to getting the manufacturer to fix their code. Whether that's definitely the case or not, I couldn't say.
And the communication issues (or lack of) continue. We shouldn't have to rely on statements on this forum. After all not every Sky user is on here looking, and nor should they have to. Put those changes/updates in the public domain. A link from here would be a good place.
As would adding the v1, v2, v3 designation to the the box variants.
I mean Sky are quick to publicise new capability
Although even here they fail to articulate the new software version number. Given the timing i'd say this was Q150. But, no mention of fixing sound issues.
Lets not forget the issues being discussed by users on this thread are over 3 years old.
20 Jun 2021 10:30 PM
hey, you are correct on every point (although I think you might be over-egging the organised customer coverup "conspiracy")
Having worked for some major companies the level of information misalignment and communication through the various levels can be quite staggering.
Having said all that, I think you overlook the probable biggest point here: there is no way a major corporation is going to openly admit to the ongoing selling of a product or service that they know has faults in it.
No way
Their sales would stop. Dead.
The reviews (like What HiFi etc) would be damning. Overnight.
The media would have a slaughter field-day.
So here's a question for all the subscribers of this forum: "What would you do to keep the company trading?"
I know, I know. I've started a forum war.
I'm not defending Sky at all. Really. They've not been good in this. But would would you do?
Just saying
20 Jun 2021 10:57 PM
I'd accept there was an issue. And that a fix is being worked on for the next software update. Of which there are many, 16 it seems, and that it's a normal part of dealing with complex software systems with a third party companies on a large platform, in this case Dolby is it? in organising said fix. Fully understandable
what I absolutely would not do, is insult customers by ignorant and arrogant responses such as, well my system is ok, there for you must be lying/making it up/campaigning against sky etc. Then whe pressed through escalation expressly state that NOTHING will be done about it. We can't fix it. We wouldn't fix it if we could. You can have a new box in the middle of a pandemic knowing full well the technicians will refuse to entered the property in the first place even if I get an appointment inside 4 months.
the point I think most people ignore, and certainly your missing is that sky play heavily in the fact Sky think people do t notice or care about these issues. Of this that do complain how many can't be **bleep**? And of those that could be **bleep** how many know full well they will be stone walked by waiting times and a mortuary of options on a dead end customer we don't care number? Come of it
Sky know full well, and then some! They just gamble nobody pipes up enough to make them spend money on a fix by spending money on squashing the issue. Go back and look for the thread they shut down on the subject that inspired this one.
sky say they think nobody used book marks, slow motion, the shortcut to last recording by pressing play on sky plus. They thought you could run power line adapter software though the mains between sky boxes along side existing extenders. They thought they knew how to make a touch remote. They think the current q software is more useable than the previous sky plus version. Q looks more shiney but that's just for sakes, it's way more long winded.
if it takes this long to fix an audio long has this been an issue btw? 3 or 4 years?
let me ask you! Is this how you would handle this and a whole other list of issues?
20 Jun 2021 11:13 PM
I have had no audio drop out problems, thankfully I have Sky+ and not Q but I must commend the way 'normal' posters have pushed this problem forward and finally got some resolution (it appears). It is with disdain that certain posters have continued to champion Sky in this and other matters which have affected paying customers and as for Sky, they should feel ashamed at how long it has taken them to act.
i understand how relieved you must feel having a fix on the horizon but have no fear, more problems will be round the corner for some who have invested in the Q system.
20 Jun 2021 11:16 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreThe Sound issue is fixed, admittedly it's taken longer than it should have, but personally Sky Q works great for me, if it didn't I wouldn't stay with Sky.
20 Jun 2021 11:16 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more20 Jun 2021 11:20 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more@Lawrence+cope There will always be problems but Sky+ is looking pretty dated these days.
20 Jun 2021 11:31 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreMinor point - the V3 boxes came out less than 2 years ago (November 2019), so the audio problems fixed in Q160 can't have been about 3 or 4 years.
There does seem to be an issue with some customer services staff not checking their knowledge base systems properly - the V3 audio issue has been acknowledged internally for quite some time, so they should have been aware of it.
Sky acknowledging issues like this on their status page would seem sensible too, but they don't have a good record for that...
20 Jun 2021 11:36 PM
@Chodley Difference is, what HD+ is supposed to do actually works😊. I would rather have that than have to wait years for something to be repaired.
20 Jun 2021 11:51 PM
Hey, I agree 100% with everything you say and I remain just as frustrated and upset as you.
If Sky had admitted to this fault publicly and fully at the outset, my guess it'd be bust by now. Subscribers would've been running for the fire exits as fast as the Daily Mail and Guardian media groups could point the way.
They had a crisis. They had a major fault. They had to stop the dam from bursting.
Have they managed this well? No
Have they managed this badly? Yes
Have they been arrogant in their actions? Yes - and that's what hurts.
Do I like them more now they've given me a fix? No. I no longer trust them and wouldn't buy a single thing from them in the future. They keep mailing me with sexy broadband offers - hahahahahaha.
Sky Mobile phone and coverage offers - hahahahaha
If I were in charge of putting a value on their "brand equity" right now I'd be crapping myself.
In the meantime - BT or Virgin have a better product? I wish.
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