Discussion topic: magic eye & freesat

This message was authored by fedupwithtv This message was authored by: fedupwithtv

magic eye & freesat

Hi all

thinking of leaving sky as its just crazy money for what i have which is just the basic package

I have Sky+ and have ran cables to the kitchen bedroom & conservatory, i use a magic eye at each of these tellys and use them to change channel, my question is, if i go freesat or freeview does anyone know if i will still be able to have magic eyes or is there an alternative method of changing channels on the other systems




All Replies

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: magic eye & freesat

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

You mean a non -Sky STB? No they won't work.


If you mean your Sky box without a subscription,  yes they will.

Topic Author
This message was authored by fedupwithtv This message was authored by: fedupwithtv

Re: magic eye & freesat

Hi Mark

Thanks for that, I was thinking of getting another box as i am not sure what my box will let me view as freeview, and i still want to be able to pause & rewind etc, so if i did get a new box, do you know of any other method of changing channel from the room I am watching the telly on.

I have the existing dish and cabling to my sky box, then a coaxial cable going from the sky box to an SLX amplifier and from this to the other TVs using coax

Sorry for so mavy questions


This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: magic eye & freesat

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Without a subscription your Sky box will be able to receive (but not record) all the Freesat channels (see. the Freesat website for a list). 


Note that Freeview is a system for broadcasting via a tv aerial, not a satellite dish.


If you decide to buy a Freesat box, there are two main ways that I know of to control it from another location. Cheapest and probably most reliable but possibly not practical would be a cabled solution, with an infra red receiver in one room, connected by cable to an infra red transmitter where your Freesat box is located. Search for infra red extenders.


More expensive, would be a wireless system where the connecting cable between receiver and transmitter is replaced by a wireless link. I used a Marmitek Powermid wireless extender for several years very satisfactorily. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by fedupwithtv This message was authored by: fedupwithtv

Re: magic eye & freesat


Thanks very much for that Mark I think i will now take the plung and cancel



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