Discussion topic: Joined Sky a week ago. No communication yet from Sky on account..

This message was authored by Ray01sky This message was authored by: Ray01sky

Joined Sky a week ago. No communication yet from Sky on account..

Hi All 

I joined Sky boadband, tv and phone last week. I have not heard from sky since.

I have had an email from my current supplied Talk Talk  and a retention call to try keep me with them. I said Im still leaving to sky. 

That was all a week ago. I have not heard anything since from sky. 

How long does it take for them to give me a switching date? 

I have tried the help bot but going round in circles.....not much help as I also don't have an account number  yet. 

Ive tried the online chat but that is showing  ERROR try long in again...

Nothing showing in orders and My Messages is saying ' This page is restricted''


Any advice would be appreciated . 

