Discussion topic: I was awarded a compensation from open reach but sky is refusing to pay it to me even though i was

This message was authored by Bikerladd88 This message was authored by: Bikerladd88

I was awarded a compensation from open reach but sky is refusing to pay it to me even though i was

Hi I'm  trying to seak an actual answer as sky are being inept.


So cut long story short I was eligible for compensation from open reach because it took them 7 months for me to go live .


Originally sky told me I could either have the money put onto my sky  account or have it paid into my bank account.  

The sum was just over £970 .

So not a small amount .

I told them to send it to me and I would pay bills as normal  now 8 weeks on and several complaints later they are refusing to issue the payment it's becoming a weekly chore to ring them and ask them what's going on .

As if I where to close all my accounts down they would issue the refund but they still don't seam interested. 



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This message was authored by PandJ2020 This message was authored by: PandJ2020

Re: I was awarded a compensation from open reach but sky is refusing to pay it to me even though i

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Our understanding is such compensation is used against future bills and cannot be refunded whilst you have an active account.

I am just another Sky customer and my views are my own
This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: I was awarded a compensation from open reach but sky is refusing to pay it to me even though i

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

From the Ofcom site here:




Unless you agree otherwise, compensation will be a credit on your bill.


So if they told you they would pay it then I would register a complaint by filling in ths online form giving the date and time that you spoke to them that they told you this so if needs be someone can listen to what was said to you:



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