16 Jan 2025 10:53 AM
Can anyone explain why I need to wait in a queue for 20+ minutes to speak to a "Loyalty expert" just to cancell one part of my subcription? It's ridiculous. Why can't the chat bot do it? Why can't I just go into my account and cancel it myself, like you can with nearly every other service? You can add things with a click, why can't you take them away? Quite honestly Sky seem stuck in the 1990s, not only that but they charge an insane amout of money compared with most of their modern competetitors. Why do I need to pay an extra £9 a month just to get basic HD content? Something that should be standard in 2025! Quite honestly if it wasn't for the F1 I'd get rid of Sky!
16 Jan 2025 10:57 AM
I'm onto someone now yet instead of just doing it they're going all round the houses!
16 Jan 2025 11:01 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreHave a look at NowTV - it may be a better way for F1.
16 Jan 2025 11:30 AM
I already looked into that a while ago and it worked out more expensive. Plus I'd loose the ability to record, and Sky's catch up service is so slooooooooooooooow to put things up, another frustration.
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