Discussion topic: Trying to get final bill adjusted to reflect cancelled service.

This message was authored by PWSKY This message was authored by: PWSKY

Trying to get final bill adjusted to reflect cancelled service.

So, I've spent an hour and a half on the "chat" this morning trying to get my final bill adjusted to reflect the cancellation of my Sky broadband. For some reason I keep being told that the bills are automatically generated but I don't understand why they can't be manually adjusted.


Anyway, The advisor was so keen to get rid of me that she finally suggested I cancel my direct debit to avoid paying the bill uneccesarily. Surely this is rather extreme and poor advice. If I cancel my direct debit will I be charged a missed payment fee? Will I be able to get the refund for the remaining days I've already paid for?


Also, if I don't cancel the DD and let the next payment go ahead, will I actually receive a refund when the next bill is due? It states that it will be credited to my account but what use is that when I have cancelled all my Sky services. 


Really not sure what is the best course of action. If only I could actually talk to someone!

Best Answers
This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39 Answer

Re: Trying to get final bill adjusted to reflect cancelled service.

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

I don't believe Sky are able to customise bills for obvious reasons.


I agree it's poor advice to cancel your direct debit, as further charges may be due, and there will be no straightforward route for you to obtain a refund. It's alslo contrary to Sky's help here: https://www.sky.com/help/home/your-account/my-account-and-subscription/cancelling/cancel-my-subscrip...


Yes, you'll receive a refund of any charges made after the date your services end. That should automatically be repaid to your bank, providing you don't cancel your direct debit, within 6 weeks, or we can help you receive a manual refund within 5 days once the credit appears on your Sky account.

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