Discussion topic: sky legacy

This message was authored by ROB-W.MIDS This message was authored by: ROB-W.MIDS

sky legacy

Feeling nostogic I've always love how Sky was when it started in 1989. Everytime i feel down, I always go to my favourite website and watch the original idents. Apart from youtube, i goto TVark.


One ident I absolutly love is the original Sky movies but I can't find who created the music for the ident

it can be heard  on here: https://tvark.org/sky-movies-ident-version-1



could anyone shed any light into who created it and how it came by?


Also, I loved the Amstrad Fidelity receivers and Videocrypt Decoders but to the life of me don't know what i did with them or if i threw them away. I've seen some on ebay but wondered if the prices people are asking is too high as they won't recevie analouge signals anymore. 


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This message was authored by ROB-W.MIDS This message was authored by: ROB-W.MIDS

Re: sky legacy

ok as I can't edit the post here is the sky movies ident




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