Discussion topic: Subtitles onSky Store

This message was authored by Dissatisfied+0653 This message was authored by: Dissatisfied+0653

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

Wouldn’t it be great if the gigantic Sky Corporation, getting £150 from me monthly, explained the logistical problems of providing subtitles?

This message was authored by mike+simmonds This message was authored by: mike+simmonds

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

hi @JudyArb1102 @Dissatisfied+0653 


As mentioned earlier in this thread by @Federica-C 


"we're working on a background platform update and you can expect subtitles to be available to Sky Store content in 2022."

Sky customer since 1989.
Sky Q 2TB main box
LG CX6LA from 2020

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This message was authored by dixydetorit This message was authored by: dixydetorit

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

Now seeing that this so called working on it is now over 2 years old it discrimination to those with hearing disabilities and they need to stop prolonging resulution

This message was authored by Wendy+golronan This message was authored by: Wendy+golronan

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

Sky have always discriminated against the deaf community. They absolutely do not care nor wish to put this right.I have never been able to watch films on sky movies or rent a film due to lack of subtitles, so I am in the minority that have to go and buy the film to ensure I have subtitles. Been deaf ducks as no one cares.

This message was authored by Wendy+golronan This message was authored by: Wendy+golronan

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

They will never sort it, I have complained to everyone at some point. Every time I see them selling in shopping complexes they ask if I want Sky and I say do you sky movies content have subtitles, they either lie and say yes or it's 'I don't know.' It's shameful.

This message was authored by Dissatisfied+0653 This message was authored by: Dissatisfied+0653

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

It is very kind of Sky to host this community, thats for sure. But do they read any of the feedback? I wish that they would explain the problems. I have films that i have saved on my box that i downloaded from Cinema, Goosebumps with subtitles, and coincidentally have downloaded 'as a gift from Sky' Goosebumps without subtitles! Not much of a gift!


Also, i remember getting £15 to spend on store at Christmas on 2 or 3 downloads of my choice instaed one film i have no desire to watch or own!


can of worms:

This message was authored by Dissatisfied+0653 This message was authored by: Dissatisfied+0653

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

Do you remember having £15 to spend?

This message was authored by Dissatisfied+0653 This message was authored by: Dissatisfied+0653

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

You must have the King's ear, sorry Corporation's ear, why dont they give us plebs the reason for delay in fixing problem?

This message was authored by tarbat This message was authored by: tarbat

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Federica-C wrote:

we're working on a background platform update and you can expect subtitles to be available to Sky Store content in 2022.

@Federica-C, that's excellent news. Can you confirm that all Sky Store content now has subtitles?

TARBAT's SETUP....................Sky Q 2tb v3
Panasonic 65” GZ1500 OLED TV : Yamaha YSP-2700 Soundbar (ARC) : BT Smart Hub 2 & FTTP 900 : BT Disc
Sky Community Superuser. 25 Years Diamond VIP

This message was authored by dixydetorit This message was authored by: dixydetorit

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

  • As 2022 is fast approching the end has the Subtitle been sorted? Is it another fob off just like all the privious years that they have promised
  • It is discrimitive to the deaf community and is against disability and Equality act 2010 and 2018
This message was authored by dixydetorit This message was authored by: dixydetorit

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

And what about privious brought items?

Restricting choice. Take 100 films your only allowed to choose 10 as those are the only one with subtitles explain how that is equal to those with hearing?


This message was authored by Kirsty+S27 This message was authored by: Kirsty+S27

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi @dixydetorit 


I have raised this for an update on the subtitles on Sky Store content. 

The product teams have advised that they are working through technical testing to enable subtitles on this content and expect to turn these on for this winter. I do not have exact dates however once I have more information I will update this thread. 


Thank you. 


Community Manager
This message was authored by Garethdh This message was authored by: Garethdh

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

I think it already is winter ! It's coming up for three years since this thread started and this is taking far too long when every streaming service already has subtitles. 

This message was authored by Wendy+golronan This message was authored by: Wendy+golronan

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

I have been told time and time again it is been worked on, ridiculous that they are dragging their feet on it.

This message was authored by Dissatisfied+0653 This message was authored by: Dissatisfied+0653

Re: Subtitles onSky Store

How many years has Sky been 'looking into providing subtitles? Not rocket science, majority of downloads have subtitles. Films you can buy from Store without them. Netflix provides subtitles on EVERYTHING. Sky, get your ars3 into gear. 



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