Discussion topic: Constant Broadband Dropouts

This message was authored by johntheripp3r This message was authored by: johntheripp3r

Constant Broadband Dropouts

Hi there so for the last 48 hours my internet keeps dropping. The internet light on my router goes amber (flashes and static at times) and drops the internet connection. A few minutes later it'll re establish connection.


my speeds yesterday we also very low, today speeds are better but still getting the drop outs.


Any ideas?



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This message was authored by Highlinder This message was authored by: Highlinder

Re: Constant Broadband Dropouts

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@johntheripp3r Can you please run the broadband test, this can be done either via the Sky app on mobile data or use the link below.

If it finds an external fault it should enable you to book an engineer.

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This message was authored by johntheripp3r This message was authored by: johntheripp3r

Re: Constant Broadband Dropouts

Hi there sorry I should have elaborated, I did this yesterday and it found a fault, sky then sent open reach who apparently fixed the fault remotely (at the exchange I'm told) but I'm still getting drops outs post fix

This message was authored by Highlinder This message was authored by: Highlinder

Re: Constant Broadband Dropouts

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@johntheripp3r  Well get back in touch with Sky and let them know that the problem is still there and needs to be fixed.

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