Discussion topic: Awfully slow speeds

This message was authored by Wakizashi090 This message was authored by: Wakizashi090

Awfully slow speeds

I don't seem to be the only one, but my broadband speeds are very slow at times, and this afternoon they are awful. Should have in the region of 490mb/s according to the sky speed test, but all other online speed tests suggest more like 20mb/s at best, and that's when it has not dropped out completely. 

How can every online speed test suggest my speeds are slow, but the sky app consistently says 490mb/s

Plus if you want to make a complaint about guaranteed speeds, Sky only allow you to use their own speed test. It seems like a con because it is blatantly wrong. 


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This message was authored by Highlinder This message was authored by: Highlinder

Re: Awfully slow speeds

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Wakizashi090  Which device are you using to do these online speed tests from?

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This message was authored by Wakizashi090 This message was authored by: Wakizashi090

Re: Awfully slow speeds

Phone and a laptop connected direct to the hub. 

I assume Sky thinks we are all idiots when our devices and TV slow down, but their speed test is the only one that says that everything is fine. Quite apparent when the TV stops loading and devices slow down to a speed I would have not been happy with 10 years ago. 

Then to top it off they make it impossible to raise the issue with anyone. 

This message was authored by Highlinder This message was authored by: Highlinder

Re: Awfully slow speeds

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Wakizashi090First off I do not work for Sky. How are these devices connected to the router? Is it by Wi-Fi or Ethernet for the laptop?

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