Discussion topic: is anyone else distraught at the treatment of cgi dragons on the show?

This message was authored by Orangepurple345 This message was authored by: Orangepurple345

is anyone else distraught at the treatment of cgi dragons on the show?

having watched the show and feeling so much empathy for the dragons being thrown into a war by humans i just wanted to know if anyone else felt like this even now that the finale has concluded.


i feel its so irrational but i stand by it 😂


i feel like setting up a charity to prevent harm against cgi dragons 😂


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This message was authored by Kelsingra This message was authored by: Kelsingra

Re: is anyone else distraught at the treatment of cgi dragons on the show?

Posted by a Sky employee

Hey @Orangepurple345 


To be hones not sure that I would watch the series without the dragons 😆


Loved the CGI of them (except for Syrax not growing 😅). They looked really nice, but yeah sad that they were used as tools, when they meant to have deep bond with their dragons.


I was just re-watching the last couple of episodes and kind of agreed with the dragon keepers when they rejected to help Rhanyera to get the bastards claim dragons. Their reasoning was spot on, like the dragons are sacred and not toys for her goals, they are the last magic that's left of the old Valyria. 

I would have just said,  "well... naaah thank you" and just fly away with my dragon and live my life in peace 😄 I hope they will make a series of old Valyria and how they made the dragons with more details about their bonds and personalities, the different breeds, etc 





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This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: is anyone else distraught at the treatment of cgi dragons on the show?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



Without wishing to introduce any spoilers, it's only going to get much, much worse...


Personally I stand by my previous statement that Anne McCaffrey did dragons far better than GRRM ever has.

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This message was authored by nolte This message was authored by: nolte

Re: is anyone else distraught at the treatment of cgi dragons on the show?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Unfortunately they could not get approval from the Humane Society to use real dragons so had to settle for cgi instead 😉  




On an aside, there is a Sky cinema movie Blueback, which to create the fish in it, they used a puppet company to make the groper (a video on the process of making the groper was on YouTube (May still be available) )

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