Discussion topic: Is this the end

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This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: Is this the end

I enjoyed it too,  agree about the Alicent bit, I too could have done without that. Sure others enjoyed it.




Silverwing is a clever dragon, I love that they get to choose their riders. Unlike horses they get no choice. 

This message was authored by lettice This message was authored by: lettice

Re: Is this the end

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Been hearing that the 3rd series may not be next year after all, but coud stretch to three years away. Lets hope not.

Really enjoyed that episode, more dragon time...

Some new characters to get to know and enjoy on their quests.
Made me think will they really be of any help  or just be diversionary tactics in the battle plan for the throne.
Enjoyed the comedy moments in that episode too.
Was a very busy episode, kind of felt it was setting the scene for the big finale.

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This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Is this the end

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@lettice wrote:

Been hearing that the 3rd series may not be next year after all, but coud stretch to three years away. Lets hope not.

Really enjoyed that episode, more dragon time...

Some new characters to get to know and enjoy on their quests.
Made me think will they really be of any help  or just be diversionary tactics in the battle plan for the throne.
Enjoyed the comedy moments in that episode too.
Was a very busy episode, kind of felt it was setting the scene for the big finale.

It's unlikely to be next year - apparently it's being filmed next year and instead this year they are filming one of the new GOT spin-offs which will likely take the same broadcast slot next year instead.

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Topic Author
This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: Is this the end

Itd such a Shame when there is a huge gap between series. Its like stranger things whem that finally airs the kids are all grown ups.


I suppose a lot has to do with the actors commitments, money etc 

This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith Answer

Re: Is this the end

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Anonymous wrote:

Itd such a Shame when there is a huge gap between series. Its like stranger things whem that finally airs the kids are all grown ups.


I suppose a lot has to do with the actors commitments, money etc 

I may be wrong but i'd also suspect that a vast proportion of the production crew is probably planned to work on more than one of the GOT spin-offs series which again would likely limit just how often they could produce a GOT based TV season.


I think if a show got recommissioned for multiple seasons , they would likely try and film multiple seasons at the same time whilst they are have the actors and are in the correct locations. However as it tends to get recommissioned one season at a time, at around the time the previous season starts to air it does mean they can't produce a new season annually.

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Topic Author
This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: Is this the end

I thought all the Game of Thrones spin offs were cancelled. If I'm honest i would much rather they carried on with the spin off of Snow. I Saw a lot of  posters for this with John Snow and Ghost (with his ear grown back) 🤣🤣


I dont think the spin offs will be filmed though, mores the pity. 

This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Is this the end

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Anonymous wrote:

I thought all the Game of Thrones spin offs were cancelled. If I'm honest i would much rather they carried on with the spin off of Snow. I Saw a lot of  posters for this with John Snow and Ghost (with his ear grown back) 🤣🤣


I dont think the spin offs will be filmed though, mores the pity. 

A few are still in development, one is filming ( which is the one likely to take the House of the Dragon broadcast slot next summer).


  • House of the Dragon season 3: Renewed
  • A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: Filming
  • Aegon's Conquest: In development
  • Nine Voyages: In development
  • Ten Thousand Ships: In development

The radio times have quite a good article on the status and plans for each of these:




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Topic Author
This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: Is this the end

So will it be the same cast? 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: Is this the end

Just read the radio ties article. Bitterly disappointed that Snow has been shelved.


Not sure about the spin offs. 

This message was authored by stereohaven This message was authored by: stereohaven

Re: Is this the end

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Probably not the right thread, but the title is fitting!


The added complication is that we don't know yet what access to this content via Sky will look like due to the HBO deal ending in 2025.


Potentially removing Sky Atlantic as the content moves to Max is problematic for me, because the Sky original stuff isn't good enough to fill the void and ask the same money, especially if I have to pay for Max on top to get access to future series. 


My Q contract expires in December and I am not minded to sign a new contract (now 24 months), without knowing how the land will lie. 


Fingers crossed we can get some clarity on how this will all shake out before the end of the year. 


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This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Is this the end

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@stereohaven wrote:

Probably not the right thread, but the title is fitting!


The added complication is that we don't know yet what access to this content via Sky will look like due to the HBO deal ending in 2025.


Potentially removing Sky Atlantic as the content moves to Max is problematic for me, because the Sky original stuff isn't good enough to fill the void and ask the same money, especially if I have to pay for Max on top to get access to future series. 


My Q contract expires in December and I am not minded to sign a new contract (now 24 months), without knowing how the land will lie. 


Fingers crossed we can get some clarity on how this will all shake out before the end of the year. 

I believe that some of the current HBO shows Sky are showing they have lifetime rights ( they were agreed as part of a separate deal outside the general HBO rights agreement they had) so would be obliged to get the broadcast rights before they could be put up on Max.


To be honest I'm expecting Max to be doing deals with the likes of Sky Virign and EE to be packaging up a MAX subscription with the providers similar to the Sky/Netflix deal and the Sky/Paramount deal for Sky Cinema subscribers. They are seemingly worried that launching a new streaming platform into already congested markets on a worldwide basis may not be great for subscriber numbers unless they can get them bundled with existing TV service providers in those markets.


To be completely honest WBD is likely going to be an even bigger mess come 2026 when Max is due to launch in the UK and may by that point have completely different management in place. The mess around the NBA rights has caused them a massive issue and even if their court case goes in WDB's favour they have taken a massive hit losing the top NBA games packages.


I've also seen suggestions they may be considering splitting up WDB into separate streaming, film and television network divisions ( and potentially selling parts of it) which would add considerable complications for the future of MAX.


There is just so much uncertainly around WBD at the moment that I think it will be hard to call just exactly what position they will be in by the end of 2025.

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This message was authored by lettice This message was authored by: lettice

Re: Is this the end

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@stereohaven wrote:

Probably not the right thread, but the title is fitting!


The added complication is that we don't know yet what access to this content via Sky will look like due to the HBO deal ending in 2025.


Potentially removing Sky Atlantic as the content moves to Max is problematic for me, because the Sky original stuff isn't good enough to fill the void and ask the same money, especially if I have to pay for Max on top to get access to future series. 


My Q contract expires in December and I am not minded to sign a new contract (now 24 months), without knowing how the land will lie. 


Fingers crossed we can get some clarity on how this will all shake out before the end of the year. 

Do think that most customers are thinking the same.

There has been plenty of reports about negotiations for where and how Max will fit when  the UK Max launches end of next year.

The exclusive (Comcast - Sky) HBO and Warner, discovery deal finishes end of next year.

Any deal will no longer provide any of the current content exclusive to Sky, as VIrgin and others UK broadcasters are in similar talks.

Also the discovery + content will slip into the Max app as it has across other territories.


See some talks have mentioned the content may be integrated into the Sky On demand, rather than only the app, so that may mean a continuation of some Sky linear channels still having the content along with On demand sections.

Long way off yet, so we will have to just wait and hope.

Not sure we will fully know until well into next year.


Without a good deal for Sky customers, the basic Sky package will become much of a null for most subscribers.



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This message was authored by lettice This message was authored by: lettice

Re: Is this the end

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Anonymous wrote:


Bitterly disappointed that Snow has been shelved.


Not sure about the spin offs. 

One of the spin offs will be an animated series, one of the others could go the same way.

Yes, shame for Snow, it looked a good way to go.


A knight of the Seven Kingdoms has started filming, with casting tryouts in the Belfast hq of the GoT and HotD series.

Mentions have said the earliest we may see this new series of six episodes is end of next year.


Nine voyages will if I remebpmber from eating a few months back will be an animated series. Will give that a miss probably.


Aegon's conquest and Ten Thousand Ships are still awaiting a full green light, for any kind of pilot to run, but screenplays are being written.



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Topic Author
This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: Is this the end

Why on earth would they make an animated series. The thrones shows and house of the dragon are definatley for adults only. That seems a very strange decision to me. I won't be watching a cartoon. 


There is a new game that has come out for game of thrones. 

I really like the advert, it is Jon Snow talking to a woman and she says you know nothing Jon Snow, (wish they had Egrit saying it) he replies I do know some things. 


I am pretty sure he is up for a new part in a spin off. 








This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Is this the end

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Anonymous wrote:

Why on earth would they make an animated series. The thrones shows and house of the dragon are definatley for adults only. That seems a very strange decision to me. I won't be watching a cartoon. 


There is a new game that has come out for game of thrones. 

I really like the advert, it is Jon Snow talking to a woman and she says you know nothing Jon Snow, (wish they had Egrit saying it) he replies I do know some things. 


I am pretty sure he is up for a new part in a spin off. 








Animated content is typically cheaper and quicker to produce so that could certainly be a reason them thinking some animated content is a good idea. Also animated would them to do certains ideas and stories that they cant do in real life. The star trek animated series like lower decks is a good example of why when trying to expand a universe they do look to fix animated content.

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