Discussion topic: I was on TV but it’s not on SkyGo

This message was authored by GarethAndVel This message was authored by: GarethAndVel

I was on TV but it’s not on SkyGo



Sky Sports News used a clip of me at the football in their show "Super Sunday Matchday". It is not on SkyGo so I cannot go back to see the clip. How can I contact someone at Sky to get a copy of the show? Or a clip of the bit I am in?

Thanks in advance


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This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: I was on TV but it’s not on SkyGo

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

It is unlikely that Sky will give you the clip as such it would be copyrighted but you could try emailing Viewer Relations but I really don't think you will get anywhere with this - viewerR@sky.uk

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