19 Jul 2022 07:09 PM
if i connect the phone to the router it dosent work but only off the master socket it recieves calls. it would be alot more neater to have it plugged into the router but it dosent woir.
We are on the standard sky line rental using the SR203 router.
19 Jul 2022 07:50 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreThe phone socket at the back of the Hub is only used if you have internet calls (Sky VOIP). If the Voice light isn't lit, you don't have Sky VOIP, and the phone will only work when plugged into the standard wall socket.
20 Jul 2022 02:27 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreEvery UK address is supposed to be transitioned over to SOGEA broadband without any analogue telephony by the end of 2025 because that's when PSTN is due to be switched off, and at that point calls have to be through a router, but it's currently up to ISPs, telcos and Openreach to manage the timescale to achieve this.
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