Discussion topic: Automatic Compenstion Scheme - It this only for Openreach Issues?.

This message was authored by skywatch99 This message was authored by: skywatch99

Automatic Compenstion Scheme - It this only for Openreach Issues?.

I Upgraded my copper broadband to Sky Full Fibre with internet calls. Following this home phone did not work. Contacted Sky and after many phone calls  they eventually agreed this was a known problem. ( I suspected an Openreach issue but this was never confirmed by Sky ).


Was told I would I be able to claim through the Automatic Compensation Scheme from day after Installation to date service was restored. and I would be paid this via a credit on my account within 30 days of service being restored. Sky never told me when  in their opinion the problem was resolved.  Only found by checking every day untill it started working again.   Agreed this date with Sky.


No credit applied to account within 30 days. Sky said that 'the automatic compensation for the reported issue is still active' - Whatever that means.


Summitted a claim to CEDR in an attempt to get Sky to pay amount due which I calculated to be 19 days at £6.10 / day.


 Althouhgh this is still in the initial stage was called by this 'clown' from ky who tried to tell me  that in his opinion the claim was not covered by the scheme as the issue was never refered to Openreach and was resolved internally by the Sky Network Team.


Surely this is not true?


Having checked the ACS wording this appears to be an agreement between Offcom and the service company (Sky)  with no mention of any 'third parties,' eg Openreach, in either the ' What is coved by the scheme' or 'what is not covered by the scheme, sections.


At the end of the day I have been  denied a service and should be compenseated.







All Replies

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Automatic Compenstion Scheme - It this only for Openreach Issues?.

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

I would suggest you raise a complaint, per the link in Sky's help guide here: https://www.sky.com/help/home/sky-talk/talk-policies-and-info/auto-compensation/articles/auto-compen...

Topic Author
This message was authored by skywatch99 This message was authored by: skywatch99

Re: Automatic Compenstion Scheme - It this only for Openreach Issues?.

I have already made a complaint to Sky. As this was not resolved within eight weeks I raised a complaint with CEDR. It is Sky's response to the CEDR complaint I am questioning. 


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