Discussion topic: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes


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This message was authored by Kayelaina This message was authored by: Kayelaina

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

After 6 days have finally had a response from Sky. They have sent me a link to their website for a trouble shooting page which is of no use at all in dealing with the issue we are having! I have replied out lining the full issue and that on Feb 3rd Sky acknowledged this problem and advised it was being look into as a priority. You would think they would tell their Customer Service team as they are the ones dealing with frustrated customers. 

This message was authored by Pic This message was authored by: Pic

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Exactly the same problem here.

This message was authored by thegfb This message was authored by: thegfb

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

I however would expect a little more objectivity from forum Superusers.

This message was authored by Kayelaina This message was authored by: Kayelaina

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Well day 7 and another email from Sky, which  after explaining the full issue again  (3rd time lucky) and explaining several people have the same problem and that Sky confirmed the issue was their end Fri 3rd Feb and that they had a team working on it I have been sent the same trouble shooting link!

This is now becoming beyond a joke.  So far I have spent 7.5 hours trying to contact them on the phone with no joy.  Sent emails which they are clearly not reading and just sending a generic response to with a link which will not help and tried without success to get past the Bot.


I am not sure what else to try.  I just want them to resolve the issue so I get the service I am paying for.  Am I asking too much?

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Kayelaina Sky's email inboxes are usually unmonitored as it's not a means of contacting them that they generally advertise or support. You could try raising a formal complaint. That's probably best done in writing.

This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

How to make a complaint to sky: Sky Customer Complaints Code of Practice

I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox SeriesX
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
This message was authored by Shut-ins This message was authored by: Shut-ins

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Downloads still not working.

Trying to find my account number.. to send another complaint.  Selected Services; My Account; message comes up For your information:-

Interactive services are not available.blah blah blah.. But viewing card is in etc..getting very weary of it all.

Anyone else have this?



This message was authored by Kayelaina This message was authored by: Kayelaina

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Hi @Shut-ins. Same here, not change and no updates from Sky.   I was signed into my Sky account so I could check the forum for updates and when I clicked the complaints link it already had my contact info and address on the form automatically and did not ask for my account number.  But previously they have said if you give your house number and postcode and full name they can get your account info from that.  Just incase you are unable to access your account number at least you can still contact them.  Hope this helps.  I too am weary of the whole thing but lets not give up now! 🙄

This message was authored by emteepeeess This message was authored by: emteepeeess

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

@Annie+UK wrote:

Have you any evidence of "tons of its viewers"? from the number of posts on the forum, so far, I'd say it's a tiny percentage of Skys viewers

Like you, none of us know how many are affected, and neither you nor we can come to a conclusion either way.

However, I have friends who use Sky and, excluding those who have Sky-Q, one had no idea he could even get these downloads (he's mentally disabled, and lost both parents very recently) so I showed him how to set it up and do it - he has the same problem so 1-for-1

So went next-door - yes, they have the same problem and had assumed it was their internet. They're waiting for a call back - I've checked their internet and told them to cancel the call. 2-for-2

Called a friend about 100 miles away - yes, she had the same problem and just put it down to "Sky is unreliable at the best of times". 3-for-3

Had tea this afternoon with another friend - he said he hadn't noticed. But got home and confirmed same problem. 4-for-4

These are the only 4 I've been in touch with - so, from here, it's 100% - but of course it's not. And none had thought of contacing Sky (and none are here).

And called an old colleague who works for one of the other TV companies - he said he'd had to field a a couple of dozen calls, and their engineers were trying (with difficulty) to get Sky to acknowledge a problem.

I've made a formal complaint to Sky - hopefully others will too - but their complaint resolution time is up to 10 days, so who knows.

This message was authored by thegfb This message was authored by: thegfb

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

emteepeeess - thanks for bringing some perspective to the discussion.

This message was authored by steve+evenden This message was authored by: steve+evenden

Re: Sky + HD failing to Download.

Hi, bbc and ITV downloading fine, all other channels fail within 5 sack.Dr, same for about 3 days I think. Any news or resolution?

This message was authored by Steve0001 This message was authored by: Steve0001

Re: Sky + HD failing to Download.


You might want to head over here as there are more (up-to-date) comments on this very issue...



This message was authored by Steve0001 This message was authored by: Steve0001

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

@emteepeeessI just filled out and submitted the complaints form as downloads still not working this morning. I copied in my original comment so they know I've gone through the basic fixes. I referenced this thread and asked them to post a comment/update for everyone.

I guess the more that complain the better.



This message was authored by steve+evenden This message was authored by: steve+evenden

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Well done everyone for keeping this going - I also still have the problem (bbc and itv downloads only) - I will send an official complaint - and as has been mentioned a few times, this sevice is not cheap! I dont really want to but would seriously think about canceling after 26 years! I keep my fingers crossed!

This message was authored by Shut-ins This message was authored by: Shut-ins

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Downloads still failing. Had another go at phoning sky complaints line today. Got through after 10 mins on hold. I explained the download failures problem yet again.  I couldn't convince her of there being any problem with my equipment.  She insisted it was each individual box, and  wasn't aware of any issues their end. She  took me through services internet check and then the line cut off. Total frustrating waste of time, money and effort.



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