Sky Q hints & tips

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The Community is a place where likeminded people come together to discuss and share their knowledge about everything Sky, some members are a whizz when it comes to new tech!


Here are just some of the handy tips they’ve contributed to help others get the most from Sky Q:-


Freddy+Hayward has too many remotes and wants to use their Sky Q remote to turn off their TV


"am I able to turn off the tv using one of the Sky Q remote?"


Mark39:- Just press and hold  the power button on the Q remote for several seconds until the TV goes into standby. A short press turns off the Q box, a long press turns off the TV.

willowsfarmers is tired of manually scrolling through the TV guide


"How do you change the day when searching for programs in TV Guide instead of scrolling to the right?"


LixyPete:- Cunningly Sky have hidden this in a help article, fast forward goes forwards 24, rewind back 24, and play jumps to now.


Srik loves to flick between 2 channels


"Is there a way to go back to the previous channel you were watching?"


Dazzasky:- If you swipe right on the touchpad remote it will bring up a screen at the bottom where you can select your previous channel.

Fredrussell discovers how to find their Sky Q remote


"Just realised there is a button in the centre of the Q on the Sky Q 2TB box. Gave it a press and was greeted by what sounded like a quiet smoke alarm. Wasn't too impressed and spent a good 5 minutes trying to figure out what it was without any joy.


Went to turn it off with the remote to find out it was actually the touch remote. So it turns out if you lose your remote down the couch you can find it with the touch of a button."

S1 outlines how to quickly access your recordings


"By mistake, just found that by pressing the Sky logo on Q remotes takes you straight to recordings............"

Superdavebrown was forever fast forwarding


"Say I want to go to 30 minutes on a program, other than fast forward is there another way?"


Tarbat:- Swipe UP then swipe RIGHT and it will jump forward


simon194:- Easier still with the touch remote, use voice control "Go to 30 minutes" or "Skip 30 minutes".



s.shenton sometimes loses track of everything they’ve watched


"I have downloaded a box set, does anyone know you can tell if it has been viewed?"


Simon194:- Programmes that have been viewed will have a blue progress bar underneath the tile picture.


Chrisee:- A white dot indicates that material has not been viewed.

PixelPerfect is struggling to find Dolby Atmos enabled content


"Any way to find what Dolby Atmos content is available apart from live sport?"


trevforum:- I use Voice Control and ask "Show me Dolby Atmos content”




Got any tips up your sleeve that you would like to share? Let us know by joining the conversation in the Sky Q forum. 




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Comments (31)

Cheers mate 👍 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧


Has anyone else been told by Sky that the intermittent fault of the picture and sound cutting out for up to 2 seconds is the result of a software update by Samsung, only to be told by Samsung that it does not apply to the model of the TV that I have. If so what is the answer?


Sky q box keeps going to 999 channel every morning from being on standby. Any one have same 


How is the best way to search through your recordings by catagory eg.  By Movies or Sport for examle?


Can you download sky Q recordings to an sd card in your tablet. I am short of space on my tablet.


Level 1 Badge

I have checked out the av output from the SkyQ satelite box and the news's possible to use, but at a great sacrifice. It will only become active at the lowest set quality (576p) and that means de-tuning your entire Q system to something approaching standard definition only. So the reason for having a Q box is negated. If you can do it, switch to this setting, then when you have down-loaded switch back. You will need a suitable lead from 3point 3.5mm composite jack to whatever your tablet input is. Sky have actually set this up for those whose secondary set is not HD ready, you can cheat it, but I dont think it's worth the effort for the extreme poor quality you get. Sorry no better news.


I upgraded to Q in March. 18 month term. No problem. Been a loyal SKY customer for 12 years or so..

The Q box began to freeze for no reason within a month. It is well ventilated and in a great position. I have even put it up on little wooden blocks to assist airflow. Didn't work. 

It is hardly used, booster in room above and an extra box in attic for my son. 

It then became a near daily occurrence. And settled again to a twice weekly re-set.

Loads of calls and grief. Do this, do that , like i have not done all that before eh....?

Engineer came out. New box and lost all my recordings.

Then it started again recently within 1 week. Put up with it until i missed TDF 2 weeks ago. Raging...

Numerous calls to Mumbai , and txt.

Another engineer out last week. Changed cables. Seems to be ok....


He was not gone 5 minutes, probably less and the f##king thing froze. Argggghhhhhhhh. Mid TDF again....

Another re-set and wait....


I can see me ditching this, and i will not pay cancellation fees for a product that is basically not fit for purpose.


What the pin I need for the manual tuning please and thank you 

Level 1 Badge

can i connect wireless head phones to Sky Q,by av cables (white/red/blue) which Sky sell,at the moment haveing to run seperate av box,

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can i stop cookies reminder comeing ever time i open Sky????

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Is it possible to delete all viewed programs en mass instead of one at a time.