Discussion topic: When Pausing Live TV After about 10 minutes it wants to go on too Standby

This message was authored by spannernick1 This message was authored by: spannernick1

When Pausing Live TV After about 10 minutes it wants to go on too Standby

Because of the standby problem you can not pause Live TV, if you do after about 10 minutes or sooner( you go a make a cup of tea) it ends up going to standby and turn itself off so can't press play and continuing where you left off on ITV1.

There is no point in pausing LiveTV at the moment because of this problem.


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This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: When Pausing Live TV After about 10 minutes it wants to go on too Standby

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@spannernick1 Unfortunately this is not actually a "problem" as they are designed to do this (something to do with being eco friendly).  I agree it is VERY annoying.


What I tend to do, when I remember, is to simply rewind or use the voice control (back 10 minutes etc) instead of pausing.  However this can then lead to another issue which is a problem which Sky are looking at.  If the programme you have paused or wound back by a few minutes has actually finished its broadcast using the FF can result in the TV/puck reverting back to live TV.  This thread explains it a little better.

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This message was authored by spannernick1 This message was authored by: spannernick1

Re: When Pausing Live TV After about 10 minutes it wants to go on too Standby

Only other way is the `wokaround` I posted about the `Watch From Start`so would work with this too:
Press the Record(+) Red Button on the remote, next to Home button on the TV Program you want to pause, it will be added to your playlist then go to your playlist and find the one you just added then play it and then pause it when you want too and if the Sky Steam puck goes off when its been paused to long then when you turn it back on, go back to your playlist and look for the same TV program you where playing and you will see it has remebered where you paused it... 🙂


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