Discussion topic: Watching F1 from start when still going on

This message was authored by Ojay1986 This message was authored by: Ojay1986

Watching F1 from start when still going on

When F1 is on (or football) it can spoil it going live and not from the start.


It's super frustrating.


I go into the playlist to find it, and there's just a blank spot there. I go out and come back and it's there but no option to watch from start or a circled arrow to signal from start, I have to go in and hit watch from start when I'm in.


Massively annoying and makes me not want Sky Stream


Any tips?


All Replies

This message was authored by kdavey This message was authored by: kdavey

Re: Watching F1 from start when still going on

Its not live on F1 CHABNEL...


BUT live on sky showcase **bleep**  going on it shambles

Topic Author
This message was authored by Ojay1986 This message was authored by: Ojay1986

Re: Watching F1 from start when still going on

Not really sure what that reply was, apologies if I just didn't get it


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