Discussion topic: Sky Puck not working

This message was authored by Molly998 This message was authored by: Molly998

Sky Puck not working

Had Sky Stream for a couple of months and has been fine. Most recently turn tv on at wall and puck won't connect - says "no signal, check connected devices power" - at times we have checked and light isn't on puck. Have followed all instructions I can find to reset etc and that doesn't work! Any other methods I can try or do I need to see if we can have a new puck sent. 


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This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Sky Puck not working

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Molly998 wrote:

Had Sky Stream for a couple of months and has been fine. Most recently turn tv on at wall and puck won't connect - says "no signal, check connected devices power" - at times we have checked and light isn't on puck. Have followed all instructions I can find to reset etc and that doesn't work! Any other methods I can try or do I need to see if we can have a new puck sent. 

That sounds like a message from your  (Samsung?) TV, not your Puck. Try turning your TV off at the plug for a minute.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Molly998 This message was authored by: Molly998

Re: Sky Puck not working

We've tried turning the tv on and off, switching the HDMI cables etc - wouldn't work Monday, Tuesday. Then randomly turned on no issues Weds Thurs and Fri and then now not working today.


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