Discussion topic: Netflix, Apple TV and Disney + make sky puck crash

This message was authored by simonnadin This message was authored by: simonnadin

Netflix, Apple TV and Disney + make sky puck crash

I have Sky glass in one room and Sky pucks in 3 other rooms. All connected to my Sky superfast fibre broadband. On the main tv and on 2 of the 3 pucks I can watch Netflix, AppleTV and Disney+ without an issue. But on my "main" I can log into the apps and the programme starts to load then screen goes blank and puck freezes so I have to unplug it and restart that way. I have refreshed apps through settings, I have factory reset the puck - if I change it out for another one it works in the other location and the replacement doesn't work. Weirdly my daughter is able to watch 2 of her programmes on her account on Netflix without a problem??


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This message was authored by simonnadin This message was authored by: simonnadin

Re: Netflix, Apple TV and Disney + make sky puck crash

Sorry meant to say they are all connected by ethernet cable to the Sky Router

This message was authored by Jporch316 This message was authored by: Jporch316

Re: Netflix, Apple TV and Disney + make sky puck crash

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@simonnadin wrote:

Sorry meant to say they are all connected by ethernet cable to the Sky Router

Try connecting it via wifi to see if the problem still exists ..... could be a malfunctioning ethernet cable 

43inch and 55 inch Sky Glass & sky live camera 3 Pucks on virgin media M350 hub 5x. 4 x sky mobile sims.
This message was authored by Xxxxxxxxxxyyyy This message was authored by: Xxxxxxxxxxyyyy

Re: Netflix, Apple TV and Disney + make sky puck crash

I have the same issue.

This message was authored by Xxxxxxxxxxyyyy This message was authored by: Xxxxxxxxxxyyyy

Re: Netflix, Apple TV and Disney + make sky puck crash

I should also add that I can play previews without a problem but when i come to start a programme everything crashes.  So far this happens with Netflix and Apple but not with BBCi Player.

This message was authored by ckd1 This message was authored by: ckd1

Re: Netflix, Apple TV and Disney + make sky puck crash

I have the same issue. 

This message was authored by perryjm This message was authored by: perryjm

Re: Netflix, Apple TV and Disney + make sky puck crash

I have the same issue. It started with Apple TV+ but just this week Disney+  also. The puck crashes meaning I have to power off and back on to bring the puck baack to life.  With Apple TV+ I have discovered if I reduce the picture setting to HD it will work but Disney+ just crashes. Really unsatisfactory.

This message was authored by Xxxxxxxxxxyyyy This message was authored by: Xxxxxxxxxxyyyy

Re: Netflix, Apple TV and Disney + make sky puck crash

I did a full reset of the puck and update and that worked

This message was authored by perryjm This message was authored by: perryjm

Re: Netflix, Apple TV and Disney + make sky puck crash

Thanks.  I did a full reset and Disney+ is now working but Apple TV+ still crashing the puck. I also tried restting the apps but nothing changed. Think a phone call to Sky is next.


This message was authored by SkyFrustration1 This message was authored by: SkyFrustration1

Re: Netflix, Apple TV and Disney + make sky puck crash

Have the same issue. It was running fine over the Christmas holidays.  But one night of a dodgy internet connection when we all had snow seems to have corrupted Netflix. I can get to the app but it crashes when you try to stream anything on the app.

Strangely it will play the odd show rather at random but most not. Was starting to wonder if it was a resolution issue with some streams vs others.
Done a reset, refreshed the apps. Tested the network connectivity all fine. 
Netflix works fine on the same tv using the native tv app just not via the Sky puck.

Has anyone found a fix???


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