Discussion topic: My sky puck came today and it will not load any channels other than the apps such as netflix

This message was authored by Mina15 This message was authored by: Mina15

My sky puck came today and it will not load any channels other than the apps such as netflix

My sky puck came today and it will not load any channels other than the apps such as netflix. My internet connection is 157mb/s I do not understand why it is not working 


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This message was authored by Padam_Padam This message was authored by: Padam_Padam

Re: My sky puck came today and it will not load any channels other than the apps such as netflix

@Mina15 wrote:

My sky puck came today and it will not load any channels other than the apps such as netflix. My internet connection is 157mb/s I do not understand why it is not working 

Have you tried rebooting it? Turn it off at the wall for a minute then power it back on and see if that kicks it into life. They can be quite temperamental these pucks. 

This message was authored by Shona1969 This message was authored by: Shona1969

Re: My sky puck came today and it will not load any channels other than the apps such as netflix

I have spent over a hour on the phone with sky for the same problem after restart after  restart no pick been ordered 

This message was authored by Shona1969 This message was authored by: Shona1969

Re: My sky puck came today and it will not load any channels other than the apps such as netflix

Got mine yesterday  .....   same problem After being on the phone to sky for over a hour this morning restart after restart a new puck has been ordered 

This message was authored by Padam_Padam This message was authored by: Padam_Padam

Re: My sky puck came today and it will not load any channels other than the apps such as netflix

@Shona1969 wrote:

Got mine yesterday  .....   same problem After being on the phone to sky for over a hour this morning restart after restart a new puck has been ordered 

That's the problem with these cheaply made, mass-produced boxes - a few dodgy ones always get past the QC checks. Hopefully your replacement puck will be functional. 

This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: My sky puck came today and it will not load any channels other than the apps such as netflix

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@Shona1969 wrote:

Got mine yesterday  .....   same problem After being on the phone to sky for over a hour this morning restart after restart a new puck has been ordered 

If you haven't already its always worth doing some other tests along with the rebooting it to actually see if the puck is faulty.


For example, how do you have it connected to the internet? If its via Wifi, have you tried via ethernet, if ethernet have you tried via Wifi? If you open the Netflix app on the Stream puck and go to get help -> check your network, what does it say your speed is from the puck? Its best to run this a few times at different points to get a rough average.


Also always worth ensuring that networked standby mode is set to ON and overnight power saving mode is set to OFF, as these can have an affect from turning the puck on first thing in the morning, or indeed anytime from standby.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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