Discussion topic: Unwatched unwanted purchase

This message was authored by Gerry1942 This message was authored by: Gerry1942

Unwatched unwanted purchase

A movie showed up on my account with a £19.99 sky store purchase price on my bill. Neither my wife nor I have any idea how-an error perhaps? We haven't clicked on it, so is it possible to have the money refunded and the movie removed?we're both pensioners and really cant afford this.


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This message was authored by mike+simmonds This message was authored by: mike+simmonds

Re: Unwatched unwanted purchase

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @Gerry1942 


The best way to try to resolve this would be to contact the Skystore team directly. 

their live chat is open now and until 7.30pm


here is a link


hope this helps and that you get it resolved 



Sky customer since 1989.
Sky Q 2TB main box
LG CX6LA from 2020

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