Discussion topic: my home screen isnt working nor will my box connect to the internet for 4 weeks

This message was authored by C.+C This message was authored by: C.+C

my home screen isnt working nor will my box connect to the internet for 4 weeks

my sky box isnt working right! 

our internet had been slow since getting fiber back in febuary and the odd time the sky would come up with no internet connection but come back on when it was there on the home button where netflix and other apps are. Long story short I have had my internet looked at and new router everything else in the house is working bar the sky Q box I am lost and now think it might of been the sky box after all the hastel for the past 4 weeks.

I need HELP! I am at my whits end trying to find a soloution to fix it. 


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This message was authored by Deedee36 This message was authored by: Deedee36

Re: my home screen isnt working nor will my box connect to the internet for 4 weeks

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@C.+C  When you say your box is not working,can you elaborate at bit more???

“Trying to help improve sky glass”
This message was authored by Abstractions This message was authored by: Abstractions

Re: my home screen isnt working nor will my box connect to the internet for 4 weeks

Hi, have you tried pressing the WPS button, on the side of your router because i think, its supposed to work along with, the sky q boxes and the tv it, has 2 arrows on it 


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