Discussion topic: Switching from SKY + / SKY HD to SKY Q - some points to note

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Switching from SKY + / SKY HD to SKY Q - some points to note

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Pommern wrote:

I don't really want to change the quad and octo LNB's.

I was talking about on the / in place of the 1m dish.


I don't see why they wouldn't.

This message was authored by Lostssoul This message was authored by: Lostssoul

Re: Switching from SKY + / SKY HD to SKY Q - some points to note

I've had my new card, and it says it's paired, but I get no sky channels.

I still have my old sky+ box, and I put the card in there and it works perfectly, but no HD channels, so they obviously haven't got the details of my new box, which I had running before the new rule and it worked perfectly.

Time to ring Sky again, and get ready to try and get them to update my details. I don't see why I have to change to Sky Q when it is something Sky have changed, and my boxes are still in working order

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Switching from SKY + / SKY HD to SKY Q - some points to note

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Why did you change then?

This message was authored by LP This message was authored by: LP

Re: Switching from SKY + / SKY HD to SKY Q - some points to note

Agree. Less eco friendly to change something that works for a Q system that doesn't. Stream would be an option but my older parent won't cope with the change in navigation. Incredibly frustrating and I do think that Sky should have given us all advance notice of the Oct 29th cut off so that those of us won't ever aging boxes had a greater choice! 

This message was authored by Lostssoul This message was authored by: Lostssoul

Re: Switching from SKY + / SKY HD to SKY Q - some points to note

I couldn't get HD channels on my Sky + box, so I bought a refurbished HD+ box, which was working perfectly until a few days ago.

Now I have to choose between No HD channels on the old box, or no sky channels on the new one.

Spent ages on phone to Sky. They can't fix it.


They say my HD +box is faulty


It looks like I'm changing to Sky Q then, as the broken box belongs to an elderly parent

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Switching from SKY + / SKY HD to SKY Q - some points to note

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@LP wrote:

Agree. Less eco friendly to change something that works for a Q system that doesn't. Stream would be an option but my older parent won't cope with the change in navigation. Incredibly frustrating and I do think that Sky should have given us all advance notice of the Oct 29th cut off so that those of us won't ever aging boxes had a greater choice! 

Oh, what Oct 29th cutoff is that?

This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: Switching from SKY + / SKY HD to SKY Q - some points to note

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



When Sky stopped permitting the pairing of a current viewing card with a replacement Sky+ HD box.

* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2
This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Switching from SKY + / SKY HD to SKY Q - some points to note

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@TimmyBGood wrote:



When Sky stopped permitting the pairing of a current viewing card with a replacement Sky+ HD box.


This message was authored by RandomWay This message was authored by: RandomWay

Re: Switching from SKY + / SKY HD to SKY Q - some points to note

Thank you for all the useful info. We are happy with our Sky HD+ box but are now looking at a new smart TV so might need to update the Sky too.  Found all info very helpful 🙂

Topic Author
This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Switching from SKY + / SKY HD to SKY Q - some points to note

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@RandomWay wrote:

Thank you for all the useful info. We are happy with our Sky HD+ box but are now looking at a new smart TV so might need to update the Sky too.  Found all info very helpful 🙂

hi @RandomWay 


Getting a Smart TV wouldn't itself mean upgrading to SKY Q (or switching to Stream) unless you want to take advantage of SKY UHD content.


Apps on the TV are likely to be better than any on SKY Q

This message was authored by RandomWay This message was authored by: RandomWay

Re: Switching from SKY + / SKY HD to SKY Q - some points to note

Hi there

We were just thinking that the SkyHD+ box wouldn't talk to a more modern TV as currently we are connected via Scart leads not hdmi cables. Is there a conversion cable for Scart sky box end and hdmi the TV end do you know? 

We hadn't realised either until reading this thread about no longer being able to get a 2nd hand box either so at least we know now that we will defo have to change our package.

We also still have dvd and video players connected to our old TV 🙈


This message was authored by MightyQuinn This message was authored by: MightyQuinn

Re: Switching from SKY + / SKY HD to SKY Q - some points to note

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @RandomWay   If you have a Sky+HD box then it will have a HDMI connection for use to connect to your modern TV. Simply dump the scart lead and replace it with a HDMI lead. If you don't know what a HDMI lead is, come back here and I am sure somebody will help you.

Topic Author
This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Switching from SKY + / SKY HD to SKY Q - some points to note

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@RandomWay wrote:

Hi there

We were just thinking that the SkyHD+ box wouldn't talk to a more modern TV as currently we are connected via Scart leads not hdmi cables. Is there a conversion cable for Scart sky box end and hdmi the TV end do you know? 

We hadn't realised either until reading this thread about no longer being able to get a 2nd hand box either so at least we know now that we will defo have to change our package.

We also still have dvd and video players connected to our old TV 🙈


hi @RandomWay 


I am not too sure of what you are asking.


If you are asking about trying to use SKY Q with a TV that does not have an HDMI input and only has SCART connectors then I belivee you can get HDMI  to analogue converters although I have no personal experience.


For any TVs connected to a mini box (but not the main box)  you can get just an AV lead (Nokia CA75U)  - althoughthis has RCA/Phono connectors so would also need a phono/RCA to SCART adapater plug 


if you are asking something else please can you explain further.

This message was authored by Mark++H This message was authored by: Mark++H

Re: Switching from SKY + / SKY HD to SKY Q - some points to note

Thinking of switching from Sky+ to Sky Q

Currently have a kitchen TV fed by a coaxial cable from the RF output on my Sky+ box.

Appreciate the Sky Q box doesn't have this function and I'd need a minibox in my kitchen to continue watchins Sky in there.

Been offered a free 1st minibox with Sky Q but not sure whether the £8pm multiroom cost is worth it for the amount of tv we watch in the kitchen.  Thinking of seeing if we can cope with just having 'free' terrestrial channels on the kitchen tv but don't want to lose the offer of a free minibox (in case this is only available when the Sky Q order if first made).

Question: Is it feasible to ask for a minibox to be sent with the Sky Q order but NOT to subscribe/pay for multiroom until a later date (i.e. keep the minibox in storage) or does the fact that the minibox is being sent out autimatically trigger a multirooom subscription?

This message was authored by oj01 This message was authored by: oj01

Re: Switching from SKY + / SKY HD to SKY Q - some points to note

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Mark++H wrote:

Thinking of switching from Sky+ to Sky Q

Currently have a kitchen TV fed by a coaxial cable from the RF output on my Sky+ box.

Appreciate the Sky Q box doesn't have this function and I'd need a minibox in my kitchen to continue watchins Sky in there.

Been offered a free 1st minibox with Sky Q but not sure whether the £8pm multiroom cost is worth it for the amount of tv we watch in the kitchen.  Thinking of seeing if we can cope with just having 'free' terrestrial channels on the kitchen tv but don't want to lose the offer of a free minibox (in case this is only available when the Sky Q order if first made).

Question: Is it feasible to ask for a minibox to be sent with the Sky Q order but NOT to subscribe/pay for multiroom until a later date (i.e. keep the minibox in storage) or does the fact that the minibox is being sent out autimatically trigger a multirooom subscription?

They definitely won't send you a Mini Box without the required subscription. Remember that boxes are only on loan from Sky, you aren't buying them. It's quite likely that you would be able to negotiate a free loan in the future for a new Multiscreen sub.


Presume you have a regular aerial connection in your kitchen to achieve what you want.

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