Discussion topic: Sky not linking to Netflix after tech-support error.

This message was authored by mikert This message was authored by: mikert

Sky not linking to Netflix after tech-support error.

A few weeks ago I couldn't open Netflix (premium) on 1 of my miniboxes (worked good on main box, other TVs), I got a continued red circle, not opening at all.


Tech support went though endless (timewasting as far as I'm concerned) to do with the account, ignoring it was working everyhere else.


He had me reset the app on minibox (I already did this, but did it again with him guiding)


He then had me rest the minibox, which I told him I wasn't too happy with, but followed the instructions.


Still not working on minibox.


He said they would need to refresh the Netflix account (again - I told him it was working everywhere else), and that's when a whole lot more pain begun.


I have now lost Netflix completely. Sky insist they've done everything and to contact netflix. I contacted Netflix and they say the link isn't coming through. 


Whenever I try Netflix now it's asking for payment details.


I've spent abou 6 hours with sky, phone & chatting, and detting nowhere.


Only way out as I see is to give up ans pay Netflix direct (at extra cost!)


Any ideas anybody please?