Discussion topic: Sky boxes lose internet on OpenWRT Router

This message was authored by P11RAR This message was authored by: P11RAR

Sky boxes lose internet on OpenWRT Router

Hi everyone. I recently upgraded to BT Full Fibre and implemented an OpenWRT router that allowed for more customisation and flexibility, such as VPN capability to connect to my home network while away. So far it's working great for everything, except Sky Q. The main box is hard wired to the router and the Q box does not have the wifi password. This worked great for the first two weeks and now it seems every morning after awaking from eco mode the box claims it doesn't have internet access. I can see in the router overview the device is still connected and in the logs I can see it's chatting with the internets. I have to reset the network connection almost daily. Sometimes it automatically re-determines it is connected and I don't have to do anything else, other times I have to select the option that says "connected to router via wired ethernet". Either way, this gets the system back online, but it always drops by the next morning and the box has re-enabled the wifi in the engineers menu.


I know OpenWRT is very open source and asking on here could be hit or miss, and I also know Q boxes are super tempermental with their proprietary networking configuration, but I'm wondering if there's some mDNS or UPnP package or *something* that would keep this box online?


I've rebooted the router and rebooted the Q box by the power mains this time around and I'll have to see in the morning if it's shut itself off again. Any ideas welcomed!


All Replies

This message was authored by Quoman7 This message was authored by: Quoman7

Re: Sky boxes lose internet on OpenWRT Router

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @P11RAR Try changing your standby settings on the SKYQ main box from Eco mode, to Active or None?

I used to have superpowers… But a therapist took them away.
This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Sky boxes lose internet on OpenWRT Router

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Try changing the Q's DNS to one of the google or cloudflare services

Topic Author
This message was authored by P11RAR This message was authored by: P11RAR

Re: Sky boxes lose internet on OpenWRT Router

I think right now it's set to and 8.8.44. Which ones would you suggest trying?

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Sky boxes lose internet on OpenWRT Router

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hmm should be fine. Could give a go


I think the Q gives this error if it has an internet connection but can't get to some sky service. Assume you don't have any outgoing firewall rules or custom routing entries?

Topic Author
This message was authored by P11RAR This message was authored by: P11RAR

Re: Sky boxes lose internet on OpenWRT Router

The only firewall adjustment I have made is for my WireGuard vpn. The box stayed connected as of this morning. I'll keep monitoring it. I wish Sky made troubleshooting easier. 


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