Discussion topic: Sky Q main box will not connect to my router

This message was authored by Well.16 This message was authored by: Well.16

Sky Q main box will not connect to my router

I've just about had enough now. Had issues with my hub constantly past few months causing none of my sky q to work and my mini boxes redundant. Had a new hub fitted by an engineer which 'seemed' to work. But my sky q is still the same. The broad band is fine because I'm using it to watch tv. I've tried factory reset on sky q main I've tried changing bandwidth and speed it doesn't matter what I do it will not connect to the hub using the WPS button and there no option to put password in. (Except if I say it's not sky broadband but that still doesn't work) have satellite signal it's all ticked but now after 2 days of having no sky q every channel is now saying technical fault. So I have absolutely no TV £120 a month im paying to watch Netflix on my smart tvs. Every number I ring says 'find help online, goodbye' and hangs up I just don't know what to do anymore I've troubleshooted in every possible way clearly it's a faulty box. I have had it since I joined sky in 2018. But how do I get it replaced if I can't ring anyone???


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This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Sky Q main box will not connect to my router

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This message was authored by Well.16 This message was authored by: Well.16

Re: Sky Q main box will not connect to my router

Tried all them I'm quite tech savvy done hard resets network reset, Q box reset. Changed channels on network only thing that's fixed it is a really long Ethernet cable. I think the WiFi on main Q box is knackered. Annoying having to have a big 10metre cable across room but at least it works now after a quick trip to screwfix. Just wish equipment was consistent having to reset every week is frustrating when it costs so much money. 


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