02 May 2023 03:41 PM
Hello all.
Have a problem that we have lived with for about six months now.
When we turn on our Sky Q (main box) it turns our Samsung television on, then immediately turns it off again.
I can confirmed with Samsung that it is not the television, it is the Sky box sending the signal to firstly turn on (which is great) but then signals to turn it off.
Can anyone help please ?
03 May 2023 08:29 AM
Posted by a Sky employeeHi there, I’ve escalated your post to our Community Messaging team who will invite you to a private chat shortly and help you with this.
Just look out for the colourful bubble to start the conversation.
Here's more information on how Community Messaging works - https://helpforum.sky.com/t5/Did-you-know/Escalating-a-post-to-a-Sky-expert/ba-p/3711147
05 May 2023 08:34 AM
Posted by a Sky employeeUpdate-We are closing this invite now due to no response within 48 hours. If you still need help, please let us know so we can re-escalate this for you. Thanks.
05 May 2023 09:09 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreIf you hold the power button on too long when waking on the Sky box - it will switch the tv on and off again.
@LuckyLuke121067 wrote:Hello all.
Have a problem that we have lived with for about six months now.
When we turn on our Sky Q (main box) it turns our Samsung television on, then immediately turns it off again.
I can confirmed with Samsung that it is not the television, it is the Sky box sending the signal to firstly turn on (which is great) but then signals to turn it off.
Can anyone help please ?
SkyQ Silver bundle (V2 2TB with UHD/HDR + two minis) in Sky region #71 (Oxford) using VirginMedia Gig1 Fibre (1.2Gbps/100Mbps).
05 May 2023 03:25 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@LuckyLuke121067 wrote:
I can confirmed with Samsung that it is not the television, it is the Sky box sending the signal to firstly turn on (which is great) but then signals to turn it off.
Can anyone help please ?
The Sky Q implementation of CEC doesn't include the optional function to turn the TV off so it won't be the Q box causing the TV to turn off.
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