Discussion topic: Remote has a mind of its own. Remote for small sky q box is sometimes controlling main box.

This message was authored by Derekgleghorn This message was authored by: Derekgleghorn

Remote has a mind of its own. Remote for small sky q box is sometimes controlling main box.

The remote for my small sky q box keeps randomly changing channels and pausing main box in a different room. Ive reconfigured both remotes multiple times to no avail.


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This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Remote has a mind of its own. Remote for small sky q box is sometimes controlling main box.

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@Derekgleghorn wrote:

The remote for my small sky q box keeps randomly changing channels and pausing main box in a different room. Ive reconfigured both remotes multiple times to no avail.

Very strange behaviour


When you say you have reconfigured - have you fully reset by pressing 7 & 9 together until the led light above the SKY logo button flasshes 4 times ? 


After re-pairing are you able to use voice control on the mini  - or does it not have a voice control button?

Topic Author
This message was authored by Derekgleghorn This message was authored by: Derekgleghorn

Re: Remote has a mind of its own. Remote for small sky q box is sometimes controlling main box.

  • Yes done all that still the same

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