Discussion topic: Problem with sky q box connecting to the internet yet the internet is working and all channels

This message was authored by LMG1978 This message was authored by: LMG1978

Problem with sky q box connecting to the internet yet the internet is working and all channels

Hiya all,


so the other day we couldn't get back onto the sky tv after being on our ps5 and it keeps coming up with this below, now we have followed all instructions online and through sky to no avail. We have tried calling Sky but our mobile lines really bad at the moment and the sky personnel cannot get through to us.......this is what is said on the tv.....


"It looks like you do not have internet connection right now. If you're already set-up we'll keep trying to connect.

If you have changed your internet password or router you need to reconnect to your network. 
Go to settings and check your network connection status to reset."


We have followed all the instructions online and on the tv and nothing works to rectify the issue. Now we have still got internet connection on all devices and we can access all the channels. Note: Our phone line is absolutely awful as well.


please if anyone knows what to do that would be great. We are running out of ideas and cannot get hold of anyone on the phone 😞