Discussion topic: Pay for cinema. It says upgrade. Its happened before and was solved via remote control

This message was authored by Dale2222 This message was authored by: Dale2222

Pay for cinema. It says upgrade. Its happened before and was solved via remote control

Pay for cinema and it says upgrade. It's happened before and was solved via remote control. I can't remember how we did it last time. Please briefly explain how to do it. 


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This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Pay for cinema. It says upgrade. Its happened before and was solved via remote control

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hi @Dale2222 


May I suggest you  try re-freshing the card


Main Menu -> Settings -> System Info  scroll across to the viewing card & click on 'setup'

Then click on the button (the whole message) which ends 'Use this option to trigger a callback' 


This isn't a call back as such but initiates a refresh of the viewing card  - be aware it may take some time to have any effect


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