Discussion topic: Netflix Location Error - Netflix say cancel sky subscription

This message was authored by Itchytrigga This message was authored by: Itchytrigga

Netflix Location Error - Netflix say cancel sky subscription

So I have a netflix error tvq-pb-101 (1.23) which is a location error saying I can't use it where I am.


I am based in the UK, have a place in Spain and travel with work to Turkey and the US amongst other places.


Netflix are saying I need to contact sky and cancel my account, then at the end of the billing month try again.  Does this sound correct?  I think it's linked to Turkey, despite my account being UK for years


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This message was authored by PandJ2020 This message was authored by: PandJ2020

Re: Netflix Location Error - Netflix say cancel sky subscription

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Who provides your Internet?  (As your geolocation will be determined by your public IP address)

I am just another Sky customer and my views are my own
Topic Author
This message was authored by Itchytrigga This message was authored by: Itchytrigga

Re: Netflix Location Error - Netflix say cancel sky subscription

It's BT.  But I wasn't sure as in a week long gap while in Turkey, I used a gift card from there to sign up again, before starting my sky contract a few days later when I got home

This message was authored by Dallen9798 This message was authored by: Dallen9798

Re: Netflix Location Error - Netflix say cancel sky subscription



If you signed up too Netflix in Turkey itself it may have knocked sky's netflix sub off and it may only be usable in turkey?


Can you check your subscriptions on the account settings for netflix and see what your sub shows as? If its sky it should say its from sky

My views are my own and I will assist where possible.

Sky Q 2TB UHD, 2X Mini Box, Sky BB UF1, Booster 4

I am just a customer, If I've got something wrong feel free to tell me, If I've something right mark it as an answer
Topic Author
This message was authored by Itchytrigga This message was authored by: Itchytrigga

Re: Netflix Location Error - Netflix say cancel sky subscription

It says:


Country / Language 


GB / en-US


It also says:


Included in your Sky package

Contact Sky directly at sky.com/upgradenetflix to change plans, update your account and payment details, or to cancel your membership.
Your 69.01 TL credit will not be used while you're on the Sky plan.

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