Discussion topic: Fast forward/ rewind problem on Minibox

This message was authored by Tom+Adamson This message was authored by: Tom+Adamson

Fast forward/ rewind problem on Minibox

Sky Minibox not fast forwarding or rewinding properly. On fast forward and rewind the programme sticks or jumps and generally acts up, example, keeps on fast forwarding or rewinding when the remote 'play' button pressed. Tried 2 remotes with the same result. 
Engineer replaced box although the old box box performed properly when he was here. He checked other Miniboxes in the house although these other two miniboxes work fine all the time. 
Next day the new minibox started acting up exactly like the old box did, ie not fast forwarding or rewinding properly on all speeds. Using mic to forward or rewind though saying 3 minutes for example works OK. 

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This message was authored by Tom+Adamson This message was authored by: Tom+Adamson Answer

Re: Fast forward/ rewind problem on Minibox

I have had a great phone call with SKY help. 
After the visit by a SKY tech I was getting the same exact problem with the new box he replaced my 'faulty' box with. 
Phoning tech support,  the technician sorted out the problem over the phone. I had recently had an extra minibox for my new TV in the kitchen and had connected myself as it was sent to me in the post. 
This new box hadn't been updated with the latest software and it seems that this was causing the erratic behaviour of the older box in the lounge. Once all my SKY Q boxes were updated the problem appears to have been rectified. 
Touch wood. 


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