Discussion topic: Cost difference per month upgrading Sky +HD to Sky Q

This message was authored by JAD1 This message was authored by: JAD1

Cost difference per month upgrading Sky +HD to Sky Q

I currently have a full viewing package on Sky +HD.  However, I would like to upgrade to the same full viewing package on SKY Q.  How much would this cost initially and per month


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This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Cost difference per month upgrading Sky +HD to Sky Q

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@JAD1 wrote:

I currently have a full viewing package on Sky +HD.  However, I would like to upgrade to the same full viewing package on SKY Q.  How much would this cost initially and per month

hi @JAD1 


It may partly depend on what 'base' package you are on & also other factors like multiscreen - if you are not currently on SKY Signature you may find your subscription could go down.


If you are already on SKY Signature then it may be identical (unless you take add ons such as UHD)


You may wish to read some notes I have made for people considering switching from SKY +/HD to SKY Q which covers many aspects and something relating to costs sometimes charged/offered of switching

SKY +/HD to SKY Q 



You will only find out by calling - if you have a letter suggesting upgrade then you shoud find a dedicated number on it, otherwise:

If you have the MY SKY app I think you may be able to find a number there - especially if you are a SKY VIP member
If not go this page & scroll to the bottom and expand the link need more help & scroll down


If you have SKY Mobile or SKY Talk land line then I think you can also call 150




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