28 May 2024 09:48 PM
Sky protect
Sent me a new tv after six months
The screen has screen burn patches
Called to have it repaired or replaced
Company come to collect no id no manners in communication with client
I ask hi how can I help after they knocked on door
Their answer was you should kno.
Or one guys answer you should kno
My answer why should I kno
I Don't kno you so have you any id
Of who you are their answer no
Then I told them get off my property if you have no business with me or anyone here
They went back and said I swore
At them so they don't get in to trouble
Problem is that this tv was replaced 7 months ago so still under warranty
And sky need to replace the company that collect for them to have id and
Manners in speaking to clients
Not to reply sarcastically to clients