Discussion topic: Upgraded phone

This message was authored by Tinkttt This message was authored by: Tinkttt

Upgraded phone

Hi,I've upgraded,my old phone was paid in full,I've only been paying the line/bundle £11 a month,I've got the upgraded phone,I put in my old sim in the new phone,I havnt toutched or activated the sim with the new iPhone ,will my new/next bill,be only ONE bill the new tariff?? And not TWO BILLS,???after a week of messages on messenger,because I've had a STROKE ,and can't talk on the phone,can't get a straight answer off these ppl,keeping my number and I only want 1 bill,I though it was easy questions 🥴🥴


All Replies

This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Upgraded phone

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

If you have paid off in full your old car home and have a new me then you will be paying for that one as well as your sim. If this new phone is on the same account that the other one was on then you should have just the one bill.

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Topic Author
This message was authored by Tinkttt This message was authored by: Tinkttt

Re: Upgraded phone

Thanks,I'm hoping it's gonna be 1 bill as I havnt activated the new sim,and SKY are not very helpful, someone in my position can't talk on a phone,only type 😕


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