Discussion topic: Cannot buy mobile phone due to checkout issues?

This message was authored by clarky53 This message was authored by: clarky53

Cannot buy mobile phone due to checkout issues?

I have been trying  to buy a sim free mobile phone since last Friday, have got as far as check out then nothing, as already mentioned i sometimes get the its not you message etc, etc, bbut basically the proces judt dies

i am a sky customer with stream and broadband  and i am signed in.

It might be suggested i ring Sky Mobile and order, the problem with that is i have speech issues which are not condusive to Telephone conversations.

are we going to be able to order on line at some point in the near future?

the other thing is tha some of of the sky deals are the best around  and i did not want to miss out


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This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Cannot buy mobile phone due to checkout issues?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

When issues like this with the website occur then the only way to get the order placed is by calling Sky but due to your issues it might be worth getting yourself registered with the accessibility team to see if they can help you with this:



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