Discussion topic: unab le to watch live F1 practice on laptop sky go as my wife wants to watc another programe on tv

This message was authored by chilly+man This message was authored by: chilly+man

unab le to watch live F1 practice on laptop sky go as my wife wants to watc another programe on tv

why is the current f1 practice 2 not availabe to watch live on laptop sky go


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This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: unab le to watch live F1 practice on laptop sky go as my wife wants to watc another programe on

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I have just tunned to the F1 channel and it is working fine for me so what is happening for you ?

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This message was authored by chilly+man This message was authored by: chilly+man

Re: unab le to watch live F1 practice on laptop sky go as my wife wants to watc another programe on

Think I know why I had the problem, although the programe was liuve on tv I as watching nit on recording so it was a bit behind and not via live tv. I used it yesterday and it was fine.  Thanks


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