Discussion topic: sky go app on mac not downloading properly or opening

This message was authored by ACGK This message was authored by: ACGK

sky go app on mac not downloading properly or opening

Unable to down load the app or if it does inustall it just quites. 

None of the recent answers are accessible. 

Is there a fix? 

None of the previous suggestions work


All Replies

This message was authored by lungey This message was authored by: lungey

Re: sky go app on mac not downloading properly or opening

Having same problem

This message was authored by Ang3l372 This message was authored by: Ang3l372

Re: sky go app on mac not downloading properly or opening

Having same problem 

This message was authored by NealJN This message was authored by: NealJN

Re: sky go app on mac not downloading properly or opening

Same happens on my computer, so frustrating ???

This message was authored by NealJN This message was authored by: NealJN

Sky Go App on Mac

Is it possible to run Sky Go on an Apple Mac ? 

Seems to be a lot of confusion with this, but the app just won't install for some reason ?

You click on it and the downloading bar fills but then nothing ? 

Looked at previous messages and nothing seems to work, anyone offer any help on this ? 

Many thanks


This message was authored by Peter+cas+crazy This message was authored by: Peter+cas+crazy

Re: sky go app on mac not downloading properly or opening

Having same issue on newly wiped and sequoia OS operating iMac !!


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