Discussion topic: issue (001) connecting to sky go

This message was authored by funfur This message was authored by: funfur

issue (001) connecting to sky go

i've tried getting onto the skygo app but it has the erroe 001 wiith a porblem correcting. I have tried deleteing the app and reinstlling it aswell as deleting the specific folders from files. However it still dosen't work, what else can i do? (im on a mac)


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This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: issue (001) connecting to sky go

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Are you using a VPN if so it will need disabling.


If not you could try this:


1. Delete Sky Go app from applications folder AND trash.

2. Open Finder then Go from top menu bar

3. Copy and paste one of these libraries and carefully seach for any Sky Go files or folders and delete them (then delete trash) :



~/Library/Application Support





~/Library/Group Containers


4. Then repeat with the next library and so on until all are searched.

5. Delete Trash.

6. Reinstall Sky Go for Mac from sky.com

7. Launch app

8. Sign in


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