Discussion topic: keep getting technical fault and blue screen on live tv, thenonly comes back if you switch channel t

This message was authored by Marcus55 This message was authored by: Marcus55

keep getting technical fault and blue screen on live tv, thenonly comes back if you switch channel t

screen keeps going blue with a technical fault warning. only comes back if you switch channel and then switch back.

have turned the TV off and on again 3 times and still doing it


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This message was authored by Exiled-in-HH This message was authored by: Exiled-in-HH

Re: keep getting technical fault and blue screen on live tv, thenonly comes back if you switch chann

Who is your ISP?


What is your router sync speed to the internet?


What was your ISP's estimated sync speed to the internet?


What is your Glass TV's connection speed to the internet?


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