Discussion topic: We have 2screens and when one is closed down the other one shuts off also

This message was authored by Sur This message was authored by: Sur

We have 2screens and when one is closed down the other one shuts off also

We have 2 s teens in the same room  ( headphones) but when one is turned off it turns the other screen off as well , can we stop this ? 


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This message was authored by Mister_Dalek This message was authored by: Mister_Dalek

Re: We have 2screens and when one is closed down the other one shuts off also

@Sur wrote:

We have 2 s teens in the same room  ( headphones) but when one is turned off it turns the other screen off as well , can we stop this ? 

Your post is confusing. 
What Sky products are being used? Glass TVs? Stream pucks? 
Are you saying if two people are listening on Bluetooth connected headphones and one of them turns their headphones off, the other headphones turn off too? Or does the TV turn off?

This message was authored by Exiled-in-HH This message was authored by: Exiled-in-HH

Re: We have 2screens and when one is closed down the other one shuts off also

@Sur So there are 2 screens, 2 teens, and 2 headphones.... BUT are there 1 or 2 Glass TVs or 1 or 2 Pucks ... an intriguing tangled web🤔


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