Discussion topic: Sky live magnet

This message was authored by annoyed+michelle This message was authored by: annoyed+michelle

Sky live magnet

I have just recieved my sky live . My questions are :-


1,  does the magnet effect the picture after awhile . I had an issue years ago when a magnet in a speaker made the side of the screen a funny colour .


2, do I need a zoom account to make video calls ? I presumed I could use FaceTime,messenger or similar 

Best Answers
This message was authored by mikealanr This message was authored by: mikealanr Answer

Re: Sky live magnet

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @annoyed+michelle 


You would hope that as it has been designed for the live camera to be positioned at the top of the Glass unit this has been accounted for. I've not had any problems nor seen any reports on the forum.


Yes you need an account, the set up process is pretty simple, see: https://www.sky.com/help/home/sky-tv/sky-tv-glass/sky-tv-live/sky-live-apps/articles/sky-live-using-...


Sky have never marketed any other call / meeting service. The legal bit states: "Video call: Callers and recipients require Zoom for video calling on a compatible device." https://www.sky.com/glass/sky-live/product 


Hope this helps



65” Sky Glass ocean blue, Sky Live, 4 streaming pucks and EE FTTP Busiest Home (circa 1.6 Gbps download). Former Sky Q, Sky+ HD and Sky+ customer.

Please Note: I am not a Sky employee. I am a fellow subscriber. Please do not PM me as they will not be responded to. Posting publicly to a thread increases the usefulness for all.

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All Replies

This message was authored by mikealanr This message was authored by: mikealanr Answer

Re: Sky live magnet

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @annoyed+michelle 


You would hope that as it has been designed for the live camera to be positioned at the top of the Glass unit this has been accounted for. I've not had any problems nor seen any reports on the forum.


Yes you need an account, the set up process is pretty simple, see: https://www.sky.com/help/home/sky-tv/sky-tv-glass/sky-tv-live/sky-live-apps/articles/sky-live-using-...


Sky have never marketed any other call / meeting service. The legal bit states: "Video call: Callers and recipients require Zoom for video calling on a compatible device." https://www.sky.com/glass/sky-live/product 


Hope this helps



65” Sky Glass ocean blue, Sky Live, 4 streaming pucks and EE FTTP Busiest Home (circa 1.6 Gbps download). Former Sky Q, Sky+ HD and Sky+ customer.

Please Note: I am not a Sky employee. I am a fellow subscriber. Please do not PM me as they will not be responded to. Posting publicly to a thread increases the usefulness for all.
This message was authored by peter-marlow+1966 This message was authored by: peter-marlow+1966

Re: Sky live magnet

I have had  the sky live camera  since it first came out and it does not effect  the picture and yes you do need to setup a zoom account no you can't  facetime

This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: Sky live magnet

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@annoyed+michelle wrote:


1,  does the magnet effect the picture after awhile . I had an issue years ago when a magnet in a speaker made the side of the screen a funny colour .


That must have been a CRT set: magnets have no such effect on LCD panels


2, do I need a zoom account to make video calls ? I presumed I could use FaceTime,messenger or similar 


Zoom is the partner chosen by Sky, probably because they really need the user numbers after their post-pandemic slump.  Apple and Facebook are much less likely to be interested in such a partnership, particularly as they have their own hardware to sell.


* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2
This message was authored by peter-marlow+1966 This message was authored by: peter-marlow+1966

Re: Sky live magnet

You will  need to use a laptop, tablet, or a pc to open  a zoom account, you  will have to put email  address  in on one of theses they will  then show on your  zoom on the account  on the app on the sky live apps  rail, you will then have  to  send anyone  on your  account  an invitation to join  you

This message was authored by peter-marlow+1966 This message was authored by: peter-marlow+1966

Re: Sky live magnet

Also I think  anyone  you invite  will need to have zoom  on there devices,  not 100% sure on that. You will need to check  that  out


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