Discussion topic: Sky glass won’t turn on

This message was authored by Georgina2407 This message was authored by: Georgina2407

Sky glass won’t turn on

Is anyone else experiencing issues when trying to turn on their sky glass? It won't turn on via the remote (batteries are fine) I then have to do a hard reset other wise it won't turn on, it then comes up saying it's updating. I have to go through the whole setting up your sky glass rigmarole/linking the remote/activating it on my account etc and to top it off it signs me out of ALL of the apps so I have to go through and log in again. I don't mind this every once in a while but this is turning out to be 2/3 times a week now and I'm starting to get very annoyed! 


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This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Sky glass won’t turn on

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Georgina2407 wrote:

Is anyone else experiencing issues when trying to turn on their sky glass? It won't turn on via the remote (batteries are fine) I then have to do a hard reset other wise it won't turn on, it then comes up saying it's updating. I have to go through the whole setting up your sky glass rigmarole/linking the remote/activating it on my account etc and to top it off it signs me out of ALL of the apps so I have to go through and log in again. I don't mind this every once in a while but this is turning out to be 2/3 times a week now and I'm starting to get very annoyed! 

In the Sky Glass settings try setting networked standby mode to ON (this should be in the startup and standy menu). You may wish to auto experiment with turning overnight power saving off, particular if you keep seeing issues first thing in the morning.

Sky Stream user. Former Sky+ HD and Sky Broadband customer
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Topic Author
This message was authored by Georgina2407 This message was authored by: Georgina2407

Re: Sky glass won’t turn on

Thanks it's already on - it happens after work at 5, I've tried all settings I don't know if it's a update that doesn't work properly and rebooting it kick starts it

This message was authored by Jporch316 This message was authored by: Jporch316

Re: Sky glass won’t turn on

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

My set occasionally won't turn on with the power button ..... I normally press the home button when this happens and that seems to work for me 

43inch and 55 inch Sky Glass & 3 Pucks on virgin media M350 hub 5x. 4 x sky mobile sims. Pretend guitar aficionado .. rock on!
This message was authored by Justin80 This message was authored by: Justin80

Re: Sky glass won’t turn on

I have the exact same problem can only turn TV on by doing a hard reset. Had my TV just over 3 years 65". I called Sky, the lady I spoke to said it was a common fault with them, she sent me a new power cord to try, this didn't work spoke to someone else who said I was out of warranty nothing they could do and that my tv needed replacing, she told me to an extended warranty and claim😡 so will be cancelling all my contracts with sky. 

This message was authored by Ryanmcmahon This message was authored by: Ryanmcmahon

Re: Sky glass won’t turn on

This is the exact thing with me out of warranty and tv becomes faulty won't start up without  rebooting it which takes about 1 hour and they said I need to pay 600 odd  pounds to get a new one sent out I'm with sky protect as well but apprently it has to be damaged before they can help me after my contract I'll be done with sky 


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