Discussion topic: Sky glass tv had a has about 2inch dark line down my tv just past middle on right hand side

This message was authored by Elaineclarke1 This message was authored by: Elaineclarke1

Sky glass tv had a has about 2inch dark line down my tv just past middle on right hand side

  • Sky glass tv has blue coloured line down my tv just off middle on right hand side

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This message was authored by Padam_Padam This message was authored by: Padam_Padam Answer

Re: Sky glass tv had a has about 2inch dark line down my tv just past middle on right hand side


This is a known software glitch with Sky Glass. It can happen randomly. 

Turn the TV off at the wall for a few minutes then power it back on and allow it to reboot. If the line has not cleared then you'll need to ring Sky for further troubleshooing. The software may be corrupt and you may need a replacement TV (if you are still under warranty.)

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Topic Author
This message was authored by Elaineclarke1 This message was authored by: Elaineclarke1

Re: Sky glass tv had a has about 2inch dark line down my tv just past middle on right hand side

My sky glass tv has a blue coloured line down screen it's just off centre of screen more right hand side please can you help

This message was authored by Padam_Padam This message was authored by: Padam_Padam Answer

Re: Sky glass tv had a has about 2inch dark line down my tv just past middle on right hand side


This is a known software glitch with Sky Glass. It can happen randomly. 

Turn the TV off at the wall for a few minutes then power it back on and allow it to reboot. If the line has not cleared then you'll need to ring Sky for further troubleshooing. The software may be corrupt and you may need a replacement TV (if you are still under warranty.)

Topic Author
This message was authored by Elaineclarke1 This message was authored by: Elaineclarke1

Re: Sky glass tv had a has about 2inch dark line down my tv just past middle on right hand side


This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: Sky glass tv had a has about 2inch dark line down my tv just past middle on right hand side

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Elaineclarke1  I had a very similar dark grey line on my Glass screen and the suggestion made above by @Padam_Padam cured it for me.  I actually left the Glass TV unplugged overnight and in the morning when I plugged it back in the line had disappeared and thankfully never returned again.


If the reboot doesn't work or the line reappears in the future I would call Sky to discuss some more troubleshooting and if necessary a replacement TV if it is still within the 2 year warranty period.

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This message was authored by DeanMurphy This message was authored by: DeanMurphy

Re: Sky glass tv had a has about 2inch dark line down my tv just past middle on right hand side

Ditto. This is the second time it's happened and 2 different problems but same solution:

1. Used to switch the TV off at night and was told to keep it on and plugged in to allow software updates - switched TV off and the line disappeared 

2. TV now left on and appeared (a year or so later) - switched off for a couple of minutes and it disappeared 


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